Chap 6: Legs -3-

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(I was listening to this song when I wrote this so I just really wanted to include it... it's a great song tho... I couldn't help it ;-;)

Mabel POV

Sphinxly , Stan and Mabel were all sitting at the table.

"He must have put a spell on dipper..." Said Sphinxly. "Oh come on! Calm down man, maybe dipper just really likes bill." Said Stan.

Mabel nodded. "None of us wanted him to leave but he did... so, we have to accept that..." she said.

Sphinxly and Stan looked at her. "You're right Mabel..." he said.

Stan looked at Sphinxly, surprised he said that. "Are you sure you don't want to try Mabel? He is your brother after all..."

Mabel looked at the ground. "Yeah..." Stan sighed. "Wel-". "He'll come back eventually... if I know dipper he wouldn't be able to be without us for that long..." she interrupted.

Mabel smiled slightly. I hope he comes back... she thought.

Her grunkles smiled slightly too.

"You're right Mabel.. its just a matter of time..."

Dipper POV

Once they boys had gotten home, bill turned back into his human form.

Dipper was sitting on the couch in the living room, his deer half taking up half the space on the couch.

"Heya PineTree~" Bill said as he walked in. He looked down at dipper and frowned slightly.

Dipper looked up at him. "What?" Bill just stared at dipper. What the hell? He thought.

All of the sudden bill snapped his fingers and Dipper felt a stinging feeling in his legs. "OW!" He yelled.

A few moments later the pain stopped. "Bill! What the fuck?!" Bill smiled, trying to keep in his laughter.

He walked out of the room and dipper stood up to follow him, but fell. "Owwww...." Dipper looked down and saw two human legs instead of his deer half.

"What the-" Bill burst out into laughter. "It took you *haha* so long to *hahaa* notice!" He snickered.

Dipper glared at him. "Bill, why did you do this to me?" Bill pouted. "You were hogging up all the space on the couch."

Dipper looked at bill. "... that's adorable.." he said. " You're so cute Bill!"

Bill looked at him. "I'm not cute! I'm a demon! I'll-I'll kill you!" Bill yelled.

Dipper started laughing. Bill looked at dipper's legs and blushed. "Put some pants on..." he mumbled.

"Huh?" Dipper looked down and blushed in embarrassment.

"I've never worn pants before though.." Bill sighed. "C'mon Dipper..." he said walking off to his room.

"I've never had legs before either!" He yelled. Dipper heard a loud sigh coming from another room and a small laugh escaped from the brunette's lips.

"GET USED TO IT DIP-STICK!" Bill yelled as he walked into the room. He threw dipper a pair of jeans and some underwear, that landed on the brunette's face.

"Gee thanks bill.." dipper said shaking the clothes off his head. "So... how do you wear pants?"

Bill sighed loudly once again. "God! This is just like raising a child!" He said, turning around and letting his arms droop down to his legs.

"Biiillll!" Dipper Said. "Heeellllppp meeeee!" Bill turned around. "Fiiiiine..." Bill showed dipper how to put on clothes and taught him how to walk on his new legs.

While dipper was trying to walk. He hit his toe on the coffee table and fell onto bill. Bill caught him. "You're so cute PineTree~" He said.

Dipper blushed "sh-shut up!" Dipper crossed his arms and pouted, looking at the floor.

Next thing dipper knew he was kissing bill. Dipper melted into the kiss. They soon pulled apart. Bill smirked.

"You're my PineTree~"

The way Bill said my sent shivers up dipper's spine.

Bill kissed dipper and next thing the boy knew, they were having a total make-out session up against the wall.

"You're mine PineTree..."

(Owo! Did u guys like?
Sorry it took me so long to update, I've really been trying to come up with ideas. I had fun making this one -3- it was cute to imagine... WELP! Hope u all enjoyed, I will update as soon as possible!)

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