Chap 5: Choosing

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Dipper's POV

"Bill? Can I go see Mabel?"' Dipper Asked. "Sure...but I wanna come with!" Bill responded while pursing his lips and crossing his arms.

That was adorable... dipper thought. The brunette sighed. "Ok fine, but my grunkles hate hunters..." Bill smirked. "Oh don't worry about that~" Dipper tilted his head. "Ok...?"

Bill walked out of the room and came back a moment later, but  he was a cervitaur.

Dipper stared at bill's deer half and looked up at his face. "Like what you see PineTree~?" He said, grinning. "W-what? N-NO!" Dipper Said.

He blushed and crossed his arms. "Whatever... lets just go already." Bill and dipper trotted our the door and walked into the woods.

"Where do you live again PineTree?" Questioned bill. "Oh, I live at the Mystery Shack... or at least I used to..."

The boy sighed. "Why isn't it your home anymore?" Bill asked, his curiosity taking over. "Well... me and my grunkle got in a fight... and well... I ran away. It's not like they would notice if I was gone anyways..."

Dipper looked at the ground. "Oh and bill, why did you turn into a cervitaur?" He Asked. "Oh well, since your family hates hunters, I just decided it would be easier to introduce me this way."

——TimeSkip brought to you by a weirdo with no ideas for her story——

Once the boys got to the Mystery shack, dipper knocked on the door. They waited a few seconds before somebody opened it slightly.

"Who is it...?" Said a tired Mabel. "Uhhh Mabel?" She opened the door completely and she jumped on her brother.(Mabel is a unicorn in this one I don't feel like making her a mermaid/siren)

"Dipper!" She yelled. She hugged him and started crying. "Dipper! Why did you run away?! Why didn't you come back? Where were you?!" Dipper chuckled nervously. "I was *cough cough* staying at my friend bill's house." Mabel looked up and saw bill standing there with an amused expression on his face. "Ohhhhh, are you my brother's boyfriend?!"

Bill looked at her for a moment and then burst out into laughter. "Oh man! Ahahahahahaha!" Bill laughed and started to cough. "Ehehe *cough* hehehehehe *cough* I'm okay..."

Dipper was still trapped on the floor, Mabel pinning him down. "So...? You're not his boyfriend?"she asked confused. "No..." Bill said. "But I wish I was~" he finished. Mabel was smiling like crazy. "GRUNKLE SPHINXLY! GARGOYLE STAN!" She yelled. "GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE!"

Mabel got off of dipper and started giggling like a fan girl, constantly saying I ship it. Dipper rolled his eyes and got up. Soon enough sphinxly and Stan were walking towards the door but stopped when they saw dipper.

Sphinxly ran forward and hugged dipper. So did Stan but after a brief hesitation. Once they let go dipper looked at the ground. "We're sorry kiddo..." said Stan. (Heh, I almost wrote Satan in stead of Stan! XD) "it's okay grunkle Stan..." Dipper Said while looking at the ground. Then he looked at bill. "Oh a-and th-this is Bill.." he said.

His grunkles looked at bill and eyed his suspiciously. "Hmmmm I feel like I recognize those patterns... and the name..." said sphinxly. "Wait a minute.." Sphinxly pulled out journal 1.

"Are you... bill cipher?" He Asked finally. Bill looked at dipper almost as if asking dipper what to do. Dipper was shaking his head no. "N-no...?" He said smiling nervously. "Hmmmm.. are you sure?" Said sphinxly. He pulled out a gun from his jacket. "Because I saw those hand gestures you made towards dipper."

Bill looked at the gun and sighed in defeat. "Fiiiinnnne, yes I am bill cipher...." he said . Sphinxly pointed the gun at his forehead. "Just what do you think your doing bill? Are you planning something?!"

Dipper ran in front of bill. "D-don't hurt him great uncle sphinxly!" He said trying to persuade him. "Dipper! He's a demon!" Dipper looked at the floor. "Y-yeah but...."

Sphinxly glared at him. "Dipper why are you protecting him?! He's a demon AND a hunter ,why are you protecting him?!" He said trying to convince dipper.

All of the sudden dipper was given a burst of courage, "I'm protecting him because... I love him..." he said. Everybody stared at dipper, even bill was shocked. "W-what?" Said Sphinxly.

"I said: I love him!" Dipper yelled. Bill blushed. Everyone was silent. Mabel looked at Stan and made a hand motion. "Eh eh!" She said. Stan sighed and gave her $10. "Fine, you win Mabel." Sphinxly looked at dipper. "Dipper you have to choose, bill or your family." Dipper looked at the ground. "I choose bill..."

Sphinxly looked at dipper, astonished. "C'mon bill..." Dipper grabbed the demon's hand and practically dragged him away into the woods. "P-PineTree...." he stuttered. "What bill?" Dipper Said.

"I love you too~" Dipper looked at bill. "W-what?" Dipper blushed. "I said~" bill grabbed his waist and pulled him closer. "I love you too~" bill kissed dipper. Dipper was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss. I love you bill...

(WHOOOOO! welp I tried, this chapter was a big unplanned mess! Hope you enjoyed! XD)

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