Chap 9: Into Town Pt.2

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(Before you read this I just want to let you guys know that I plan to update at least once a month, if you guys are lucky, ill update more than once ((2 or 3 times))  ok, that's all, enjoy this chapter!)

Dipper POV.

Dipper and Bill had been walking for a while.

"Bill~!" the brunette whined. " Why is the cabin so far away from town?!" Bill rolled his eyes. "So your Grunkle wont come look for us and kill one of us...most likely me.... duh"

Dipper slumped down next to a tree, exhausted. The boy closed his eyes. Bill sat next to him. "Tired already PineTree~?" He teased. "Shut up you demon dorito, you don't exactly get tired very easily..." The blonde chuckled. "True..."

He smirked at Dipper.

"Want me to carry you?" Dipper blushed. "Whaaaaat?! N-no, I cant walk b-by mys-self...." he squeaked. The brunette stood up ,almost falling over in the process. Bill gave the boy a mischievous smirk.  "No Bill, whatever you're thinking, you can't do it..." The blonde's smirk only got bigger.

"Bill... why are you smiling?"

All of the sudden, a giant weight crushed Dipper. The boy let out a startled screech and Bill burst out laughing.

"AGH! WHAT THE- Mabel?" He heard a feminine laugh and the weight was lifted off of him.  The boy got up, still in shock from his twin's sudden 'attack'. "Mabel, why in all hell would yo-" Bill let out an overdramatic gasp. "MASON PINES! HOW MANY TIMES TO I HAVE TO TELL YOU NOT TO FUCKING SWEAR FOR FUCK'S SAKE?!"

The blonde crossed his arms and put on a fake frown.

Dipper rolled his eyes. and facepalmed. "Really Bill? Reeeeaaally?" Bill grinned. "Yes really, no swearing, especially in front your sister~" he gestured to the young unicentaur.

"Pffffft, Bill! I'm the alpha twin~" . "only by like.... 5 minutes...." Dipper muttered and crossed his arms. He stood there while Mabel and Bill chanted "ALPHA TWIN! ALPHA TWIN!"

'why is bill joining in on the chant... he doesn't have siblings... wait, does he?'

"Bill?" The blonde stopped chanting and turned his head towards the small cervitaur.  "Yeah PineTree?"

Mabel stopped chanting as well and looked at Dipper with a curious expression on her face. "Why did you join in on the chant? Aren't you an only child or something?" Bill kept his gaze on Dipper, almost as if he zoned out. "Bill?" Dipper waved his hand in front of his boyfriend's face.

"Biiiiiillllllll?" soon the blonde snapped out of his daze and looked up.

"Hehe, sorry... I zoned out." The brunette rolled his eyes. "Just answer the question please."

"Ok well. yes I do have a sibling, but I haven't seen him in years... heck I don't even know if the poor thing is alive!" Mabel tilted her head. "Well, what's his name?" Bill took a moment to remember his brother's name. "Will, his name is Will."

Mabel let out a gasp. "I know a Will!"

Bill raised an eyebrow. "Mabel, there are so many people in the universe named Will. You couldn't possibly kno-"

"SHH-SHHH-SHHHHHH! What color is is hair?" Bill grumbled something under his breath but answered his question. "Blue... he's a HUGE crybaby..."

Mabel Smiled. "I KNOW HIM!!!"

Bill and Dipper rolled their eyes. "C'MON! ILL PROVE IT TO YOU!" The small unicentaur then proceeded to run off into the forest in the direction of the town. The two boys ran after her. "MABEL! WAIT UP, YOU OVERLY HYPER 18 YEAR OLD"

The girl stopped to let the boys catch up to her. "Ugh FIIIIIIINE..."


(Still Dipper POV)

They soon got into town, where Mabel was walking determinedly to somewhere neither of the boys had been before.

The town had long since been improved and was now littered with shops and houses.

'Man this place really changed didn't it...' Dipper thought. They passed by a tattoo parlor and dipper suddenly got an idea.

"Mabel! C'mere for a sec." She turned around and walked over to where the boy stood next to the window. "Bill stay where you are!" The demon grumbled but listened to the young cervitaur's command.

"Ok so, I got this idea.... should I get a tattoo of Bill's cipher wheel on my arm?" he asked his twin. She contemplated the idea and gave him a big thumbs up with both her hands, which were unsurprisingly covered in glitter.

"Ok, you take Bill to Will's house and i'll get the tattoo, meet me at the mall when you're done!"

Mabel nodded and walked back over to Bill. As the two walked off bill looked back at Dipper with a suspicious look, saying 'what are you planning?'

Dipper smirked and waved at Bill, which made him roll his eyes.

(Bill's POV)

I saw my PineTree whispering to his crazy sister.

'hehe did they forget I could read minds?'

I smirked. I then tried to tune into the twins' minds, but ,surprisingly, couldn't pick anything up.

Mabel's mind was full of all sorts of random shit and my PineTree's mind had some sort of wall blocking me from hearing their thoughts.

'Dammit! Great... now I have to wait and see what happens... I hate waiting...'

I pouted and crossed my arms. Moments later Mabel trotted over to the me. "Dipper's gunna go do something, you and me are gunna go to Will's house."

I let out a frustrated sigh. "Fine..." She looked at me for a second. "Oh and you can change back to your human form when we get there, but you have to change back when we leave."

I nodded and followed her along the sidewalk.

(Back to Dippy's POV)

After he had gotten the Tattoo on his arm, the boy payed for it and left.

It had taken about an hour ,so Bill and Mabel should have been done. He walked over to the mall and stood around while playing on his phone for the duration of the wait.

Soon enough, an angry-ish looking Bill and a small boy with baby blue hair and a blue sweater walked into the mall, Mabel trailing behind and laughing at Bill.

Dipper put his phone in the pocket of his hoodie and trotted over to them. As the brunette got closer he realized that there were streaks of red in Bill's hair. The cervitaur couldn't help but laugh. Bill rolled his eyes

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up PineTree"

The blue haired guy walked up to Dipper. "H-Hi, I-im Will, Bill's brother...!"

Dipper smiled. "I'm Dipper...and according to Bill, PineTree." Will looked at him surprised. "Oh! so you're PineTree? Bill's boyfriend?"

Dipper laughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. "Hehe, yep!" The cervitaur looked at Bill. The blonde had zoned out on Dipper's back. "Uh... BIll?" Dipper waved his hand in front of the demon's face.


He said as he looked down to meet the brunette's gaze. "You ok?" Bill smiled.

"Yeah just spacing out... that's all..."

'Yeah right....'

(hey guys! hope you liked this chapter! I spent like 3 hours writing this, not including editing... It took like and hour to plan out the chapter and then another 3 hours to write it. It was fun to make though! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Just wait for the next few chapters~ >:3 welp, until next time~ have a good day/night my little Doritos!)

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