Chap 4: Its a deal!

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Dipper POV
Dipper woke up to the sun beaming through the window in the small room. He yawned and stretched only to feel a small warmth hugging him from the other side of the bed.

Dipper looked over his shoulder to see who it was. Dipper blushed as he saw that it was bill.

The brunette ran a hand through his own hair and sighed. He lightly lifted bill's arm from around his deer half. After the small movement bill grumbled sleepily and flipped over to face to wall. Dipper stood up, his deer legs wobbling due to a lack of movement for several hours. Dipper yawned.

"Morning PineTree~" Dipper turned around to see bill laying on his back with his hands behind his head. "M-morning b-bill..."

Dipper looked at the ground, instantly remembering his sister. 'But Stan will ground us if  we go back!' He argued with himself. 'Yeah I know but.... ford won't be mean, and Mabel will be relieved that I came home...' 'And what about bill...? We can't leave him...'

Dipper sighed. His ears went down at the thought of leaving. "Hey bi- huh?"

Dipper looked up to find that bill wasn't in the bed anymore. "Bill...? Where did you go?" He wondered anxiously.

" Hey PineTree!". Dipper walked to the living room to find where the voice came from. "What is it bill?". Dipper looked around for the source of the voice. "C'mere! I'm in the kitchen!" He heard bill say.

Wait where was the kitchen again...... oh yeah! Dipper walked to the kitchen and found bill  making food.

"What did you need bill?" He said. "Nothing really PineTree, I just need you to sit down while I make breakfast!" He said happily. "O-oh ok..." He said trying to sound happy.

Dipper sat down and looked out the window by the table. He sighed and  zoned out on one of the trees. "Hey PineTree? What is your favorite fruit?" He Asked. Dipper snapped back to reality. "I-I u-uh, I don't know... blackberries maybe, strawberries... just give me what ever." He said staring back out the window.

Moments later bill came over to him with a salad. He put down his plate and sat in the chair next to the cervitaur. Dipper grabbed a berry and ate it slowly while looking outside.

"Dipper?" Said bill. Dipper freaked out a bit, he wasn't used to being called 'dipper' by Bill... "yeah...?" He responded. "You ok?"

Dipper looked at bill sadness showing in his eyes. "Y-yeah..." he said staring back out the window. Bill frowned. "Okay I know your lying kid, just tell me why you're so sad." Dipper sighed and told bill without looking at him. "I miss my sister... and my great uncle sphinxly... and Wendy and Soos...." he told him. Bill sighed, "ok fiiiine."

Dipper looked at bill with a confused expression. "How about we make a deal?" Bill said, reaching out his hand which was covered in fluorescent blue flames. "W-what do you mean?" Dipper asked.

"I mean, if we make a deal you can see you family again but you have to give me something in return." Bill said. "R-really?!" Dipper said smiling. Bill rolled  his eyes. "If we make a deal you have to give me something too, it doesn't work if only one person gets something."

Dipper thought hard about what he could give bill, then it came to him. "Ok, what if I stay here with you, but you give me the freedom to see my family."

Bill smirked and held out his hand even further. "Deal?" He said. Dipper took his hand. "Deal."

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