Chap 2: It's all about first impressions!

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(A/N it took me a looong time to suck it up and put this song in. btw. It's very cringey but it fit this so perfectly... send help...;-;)

Dipper's POV
Dipper woke up to the sound of footsteps coming down a hallway, he hadn't noticed he had fallen asleep and had to think for a while before he could recall what happened to him the night before. The door to the room opened and in came the tall blonde hunter from earlier. Dipper stared at the man, he had a triangular eyepatch on with black formal pants, a black button up shirt, black gloves, and had a small black top hat floating just above his head. He was wearing a yellow tailcoat with a brick pattern at the bottom and black shoes, he had a bright golden eye and sharp teeth. Dipper whimpered and moved to the back of the cage. The man walked over to Dipper kneeled down. "Hey deer kid~" he cooed. Dipper whimpered and tried to back even further into the cage. "Oh come on. Calm down kid I'm not gunna rip off your antlers or somethin'... if you don't provoke me...." He told him, whispering the last part so Dipper didn't hear him.Carefully dipper got closer to the man. "So kid, what's your name?". He asked. Dipper jumped back a little when that man spoke. "D-dipper.." he responded. Dipper didn't know why but he found the hunter quite cute but creepy at the same time. Wait what? NO I-I don't find him cute! Stop it dipper! He corrected himself. "Hmmm.. that won't do..." Said the man. Dipper tilted his head sideways. "What do you me-"."How about pine tree?" He asked grinning. Dipper looked confused. "Wh-what?"he finally said. "I'll take that as a yes!" The hunter said, standing up. "W-wait! W-what's y-your name m-mister?" He said shrinking back at he hunter's sudden outburst. "Huh? Oh hehe sorry. The name's Bill! Bill Cipher!". This guy's crazy! Dipper thought. Bill then opened the cage and dipper walked out slowly. He tried to run past him but Bill grabbed one of his antlers and pulled him back. "Ah ah ah!" He said wagging his finger in dipper's face. "You're my pet now Pine tree~" he said. Dipper had the urge to bite his finger and run but he didn't do it... he would probably get shot. Dipper looked back at his leg to find that the bullet bad been removed and he had a bandage wrapped around his leg. "And that means..." bill grabbed dipper's chin and turned him to look him in the eye.. His free hand became engulfed in blue flames and his pupil slit. "No running away." He finished in a demonic voice ,his expression dark. Dipper whimpered and nodded his head. Instantly bill cheered back up and he smiled. "Oh and one last thing~" he said. Dipper tilted his head. "What is it?". Bill smirked mischievously . "You have to wear a collar~"he said. Dipper's eyes widened and bill snapped his fingers, making a yellow collar with a Pine Tree pendant appear on the boy's pale neck. "What?! I'm not gunna wear a stupid collar!" He told him struggling to get the collar off. "Hahahahah~! Too bad my Pine Tree~". Bill said and leaned against the boy his arm resting on his shoulder, still chuckling. Dipper blushed and pouted, then looked away to avoid bill's gaze. "Awwww Pine Tree~" He said. "You look so cute when you get all flustered like that~" Dipper's blush became darker and more visible and bill laughed harder.
"Well I'll show you where you'll be sleeping from now on." Bill got off Dipper and walked out the door. Dipper followed, arms crossed. Good job me, you ruined your first impression and now he knows your weird and extremely introverted... he thought. He's hot... said a voice in dipper's head. He would have agreed had that been not embarrassing for him. What?! No! H-he's not hot.... dipper argued with himself. You're right... said the voice. He's not hot... Dipper sighed, relieved. He's sexy... finished the voice. Dipper blushed at the thought and screamed at himself internally. He looked at the floor. Though dipper agreed, he would never say it aloud...

(OHHHH HONEY U IN DENIAL! XD I know I need help. Welp I hoped u enjoyed this chapter! :D)

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