Chapter Two

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Harry had wanted to find a small house somewhere close to where Ron and Hermione lived. Draco had refused.

“You can just apparate to see them. You’re a wizard, Harry. It won’t take you that long to get there.” Draco had said as they finished packing up Teddy’s things.

“Of course a Malfoy would pick that kind of house. Do you know how hard it is going to be to keep everything clean? And baby proofing Draco. Do you have any idea how much work has to be done?”

Draco had chosen one of the Malfoy’s many vacation houses. The house was on the edge of a beach. It had everything from it’s own ocean front pool (did the Malfoy’s even like swimming?!) to its own personal beach spot to several balconies with amazing views. The house was in a secluded section of land that was shielded from view by trees. Of course, the whole house was protected by wards including silencing charms and muggle repelling charms. In fact, Draco had added even more charms around the place, joking that he didn’t want to be dead because of the Chosen One. Harry had tried to tell him that the war was over but Draco had only given him a confused look. The war had been going on his entire life. There was no way it could just be over. Even though it was almost ninety degrees and the boys had been moving all day, Draco was still wearing a long sleeve shirt. When he saw the curious look Harry was giving him, he checked to make sure that his sleeve wasn’t slipping down, blushing a soft light pink.

“Why do you have to wear something impractical right now? I get the whole ‘keep the Malfoy image thing’ but it is way too hot for long sleeves. You’re going to pass out. Why don’t you wear this?”

He tossed Draco one of his t-shirts from his bag. Draco made a face and tossed it back to him.

“Mother and Father would never approve of something like that. Besides _… I rather not show… never mind. I’m not going to wear it.” As well as… Harry was almost a head taller than Draco and usually wore baggy clothing. The shirt would look like a dress on Draco. And it was Harry’s clothes.

“What do you not want to show Malfoy? It's just going to be you and me. Unfortunately.”

“And Teddy.”

“Yes and Teddy. What does he have to do with this?”

“Its because of Teddy that I wear these bloody things. Other than the need to keep my image”

Harry thought for a minute before asking him, “What would you not want him to see?”

Draco glared at him. “Potter, can you be any more daft? I don’t want Teddy having to grow up seeing the mark of the people that his parents died to defeat.” He swept out of the room in a fashion eerily similar to his father’s. Harry wanted to chase after him. To ask more questions. But he knew that Draco wouldn’t be comfortable with that. Instead, he wanted to focus on something else. “Did Draco blush? Why had he blushed?’

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