Chapter Thirty-Five

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Draco paced the length of the bedroom, trying to get his mind to focus. It wasn’t usual for him to be self-conscious. Of course, he felt nervous around Harry but who didn’t feel nervous about being around their boyfriend.

Their boyfriend.

Who saved the entire world.

While he was on the opposite team.

He was so engrossed in his thoughts that he didn’t notice Harry come in until he felt arms encircling his waist and pulling him back against a muscular chest. He sighed and let himself relax.

“Draco what’s wrong?” Harry’s voice sounded so concerned.

Draco turned himself around in Harry’s arms so he was looking up at him, his grey eyes scanning over Harry’s face. He didn’t like seeing him worried. Or maybe it was the neko that was eager to please his mate. He flinched and pulled out of Harry’s arms, rubbing a tired hand over his eyes.

“Do you…. Regret last night?”

Draco looked up at him in surprise. “What? Of course not Harry.” His surprised look slid into a frown. “Do you?”

Harry shook his head and sat down on the edge of the bed. Draco sat down next to him, immediately snuggling up against his side and curling his tail around them. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to be held. And again, he wasn’t sure if it was the neko that wanted that or him.

Harry was definitely relieved that Draco doesn’t regret last night. But if it wasn’t that then what was wrong?

“I know what you’re thinking.” Draco started tracing small shapes on the leg of Harry’s jeans. “I’m just worried about what’s going on. I haven’t been a neko for long…. Well I have. But I didn’t know about it. And now I have to listen to everything you say and I can’t even feed myself…. Things have changed so fast and I’m just not sure how to deal with it. You were my enemy and then you were my boyfriend and now we’re mates. It’s difficult to process everything.”

“That makes sense.” Harry turned his head, pressing a kiss to the top of his fluffy blond hair. He kept speaking into the top of his head. “I know it’s probably hard trying to figure out which parts of you are the neko and which parts are you. But… Dray there isn’t a difference.”

Draco moved his head back, looking up at Harry in confusion.

“You are the neko. Sure, you have instincts, just like I do or Hermione or Ron do. Your’s are just a bit different. And just liked everyone else, you are going to have to learn to control your instincts. But everything is going to turn out okay. If I defeated Voldemort, we can take out Wardell.” He kissed Draco’s forehead, closing his eyes like he was trying to memorize the feel.

Draco turned over Harry’s words in his head. “That was unusually perceptive of you. Since when did you get so wise.”

Harry rolled his eyes and pulled him in for a kiss. “Shut up.”

Hey everyone. So, it kind of just hit me that there are thirty five chapters and its only been a few days so this thing is going to be reallllyyyyyy long.

Anyways, I just wanted to do another special shout out to:
and TinsoldierEJ

Thank you guys for all your votes and comments!

And I thank everyone else for reading this and hope y'all are having a nice day/night!


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