Chapter Seven

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Draco stormed outside, stalking into the trees. It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t ask to be a Death Eater. He had to. If he didn’t his parents would be harmed. Or killed. When he was sure he was out of range from the house, he sat down, curling up against a tree. He pulled his knees against his chest and rested his chin on top of them with a sigh. He wasn’t going to cry. He had already shed enough tears from this stupid mark.

The time ticked by slowly. He didn’t move from his spot. It was comfortable and he was tired. Not to mention that his mind was racing. He remembered the pillow fight from last night and how happy he had felt. He remembered waking up surrounded by red and gold. And he remembered how worried he had just felt, reading that letter and knowing that Harry would still have to fight.

But judging by what Harry had said, Harry did not feel even close to the same way.

‘We know there are people from our school that joined the Death Eaters. Which means you might be able to help us out.’

He sighed again and tilted his head back, his white blond hair standing out against the dark bark of the tree. It wasn’t that early. The sun was still low in the sky. It was that gorgeous time right past sunset that the sky was right between dark and light blue and the moon still shone.

Draco was by no means an emotional person. If it was Hermione who had said that, he would have just nodded and asked when they could start. But hearing it from Harry…. He had thought that everything that he had done in their eighth year as well as what he was doing now, Harry would have stopped thinking of him that way. Of course not.


“Don’t come crawling back to us after he leaves you for nothing. You are foolish and naive thinking that he will actually feel something for you. You will never be more than a Death Eater in his eyes.”


“Quiet Narcissa.”

Lucius glared at her before lashing out, hitting Draco hard across the face. He reeled back before swallowing his anger and straightening up.

“That is not why I am doing this. And maybe you should rethink your actions father. We just barely escaped being imprisoned. I am not doing this because of any… intentions with Potter. I am doing this to avoid being thrown into Azkaban. My alliance with Potter and his friends is the only thing keeping us from being thrown away.”

As soon as Lucius had left, Narcissa was doting over him, examining his cheek. “I’m fine mother.”

“You know your father doesn’t have the best grip on his temper. Maybe you should stay clear of here for a while.”


Narcissa smiled, kissing his injured cheek. “Whether you have feelings for Potter or not, I’m glad that you are looking after my nephew. I know that is what your true intention is. So stay clear of here. Stay safe. I will owl you soon.”


Of course his mother had known. She always knew. He wished that he had been able to stand up to Lucius more. But he could never do that. He closed his eyes, relaxing.

A figure watched him carefully from the shadows. Their brown eyes and brown hair blended with the forest. Foolish wizard child. Being out here all alone was dangerous.

Such an easy prey.

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