Chapter Eight

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“Harry you can be so insensitive.” Hermione said with a sigh. They had already looked over the note and talked about the wards but without Draco being there, they couldn’t think of anyone that would have sent the note. The conversation had quickly taken a turn. Hermione had listened carefully, grinning as Harry told her about his strange feelings towards Draco sleeping in his bed. As they got to the argument that they had in the morning, Hermione’s grin was wiped away.

“I seriously have no idea what I did. I just showed him the note and said that he should know the Death Eaters from school-oh.”

Hermione fought the urge to slap him. They were suddenly interrupted by a loud shriek. Teddy was crying and gripping onto the wall of his playpen. His hair was turning rapidly from brown to white blond. Hermione paled. “Harry, you said that Draco had left to go check on the wards? What if the Death Eater is still out there?”

Harry swore loudly. From the window he could see Draco leaning against a tree. But something was wrong. He was too relaxed, his perfect posture completely trashed. He rushed outside, leaving Hermione to take care of Teddy.

Draco vaguely heard his name being called over the pounding in his head. He had opened his eyes to see someone… something leaning over him. He had reached for his wand when he felt his head being pounded against the tree. His vision had gone fuzzy quickly as blood started to flow.

The last thing he saw before everything went black was a pair of startling green eyes….


“Do you think we should take him to St. Mungo’s? I’ve tried everything I know and he still isn’t waking him.” Hermione hovered anxiously, standing next to Harry. They had put Teddy in his crib in his room. Making sure everything was tightly locked, they had started working on healing draco. The blond was pretty badly beat up. His nose was broken, the back of his head cut and bleeding. He had bruises all over his stomach (Harry had tried to ignore the odd tug in his chest when they had taken off Draco’s shirt) and his lip was split. But the worse was a single word carved next to his Death Eater mark. ‘Traitor.’

“Let’s give him another few minutes. If so, I will take him. If that happens, can you take Teddy to Molly and Arthur? I know you’re going to want to be there.”

Hermione nodded. “I’ll take Teddy over there now. If he wakes up, give him this.” She handed him a tiny vial full of a sparkling blue liquid.

“I will.”

She gave him a small smile and kissed her cheek before leaving the room to go fetch Teddy. His smile quickly faded as she left the room. He looked back to Draco who was laying eerily still. His chest was still rising and falling steadily but his face was unnaturally pale. Blood still turned the green pillow a dark red. They had tried to wash it out but they couldn’t do so without causing him more pain.

“I’m so sorry Draco. I shouldn’t have said that.” Harry said quietly, pushing the Slytherin’s hair out of his eyes. The Slytherin was again unresponsive. He hadn’t gotten the chance to gel his hair back. This meant that it was still messy and loose from the pillow fight last night. He lifted Draco as gently as he could, grunting from the effort.

Draco was skinny. But he had a lot of muscle. Not to mention that he was a head taller than Harry. Harry was holding him as gently as possible, not wanting to aggravate his injuries. He turned around to take Draco out of the room when a paper fluttered to the floor. Harry frowned, freeing his wand and levitating the paper up so he could read it.

:He will never see you as more than a Death Eater:

Harry winced. He knew the note was about him and Draco. But how had the person seen their fight? Other than the window, which was closed and charmed against extendable ears, there wasn’t any way for someone to have known what was going on. Unless…. He had opened the window when he was talking to Hermione since the air conditioning hadn’t been installed yet.

He shook his head, stuffing his wand back away, adjusting Draco who groaned in pain.


There wasn’t any response. They boy had become comatose again. As he carried him, he noticed odd marks on the blond’s neck. He frowned. He would have to ask the healers about that. They looked like… needle puncture marks?

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