Chapter Eleven

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“This is getting out of control.” Draco growled, angrily pacing in the library. Harry watched him over the edge of his book. The blond’s tail and ears were twitching angrily.

“Draco, you just have to get used to it.”

“I have claws Potter. Claws, a tail, ears, I can see in the dark… not to mention these weird urges I’ve been having.”

“Well, Draco, when a boy starts going through puberty-” Harry was cut off by the angry glare Draco gave him. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy, black hair. Draco’s hair was just as messy as his. Thanks to the cat ears, he couldn’t really gel it down.

“They’re working on a solution and ‘Mione said that she has narrowed down are options to three different species of magical creatures. You just have to be patient.”

“You don’t have a tail.” Draco snapped, disappearing around the corner of a bookcase. Harry fought the urge to laugh as the fluffy tail was the last to disappear.

“You’re right. I don’t have a tail or ears. Or retractable claws. But it could be worse. You can be a vampire.”

“I would kill you first.”

“Of course you would like biting my neck.” Harry was smirking. Draco went red, glad that Harry couldn't see. Their recent little half flirts were starting to get on his nerves.

“No. I would kill you because you’re so damn annoying.”

Harry tried to respond but was interrupted by the screech of an owl. Azure, Draco’s favorite owl, chirped and stuck out her leg. Harry went over and unhooked the paper from her leg. Azure chirped again and nibbled his finger affectionately before flapping off to who knows where. He frowned and opened the parchment, wary of another weird letter.

“Draco?” He called nervously.

“What?” Draco snapped again, appearing from behind the bookshelf and stalking over to him.

“Come look at this.” Harry handed Draco the paper.

“The Daily Prophet presents the newest celebrity scandal. Draco Malfoy, the sole heir to the Malfoy fortune was recently admitted into St. Mungo’s. An inside source informed us that as of late, Draco Malfoy has been living with none other than our Harry Potter. Their relationship status is unknown but it can be inferred that being ‘just friends’ is not their style. For more information, turn to page three.” Draco was fuming by the time he finished the article.

Harry took the paper from him, turning to the page. “According to our source, Draco Malfoy was admitted into St. Mungo’s after an attack, most likely by another Death Eater. The injuries that he has sustained cannot be released to the public. Although one giant change has occurred. It seems that the Malfoy family’s blood is not as pure as everyone has thought. After his discharge from the hospital, Malfoy was seen having some… feline problems.” Harry winced and handed the paper to Draco again. There was a picture of the four of them walking down the hallway. From the focus and angle of the picture, Draco’s ears and tail were easy to see.

“Shit.” Was all Draco said. He dropped the newspaper and hurried from the room, leaving Harry standing behind him, bewildered and upset. He walked as quick as possible to his room.

Father is going to kill me. The ears and tail are one thing. But threatening the family name? And being that friendly with the golden trio? I am so screwed.

He started pacing the floor in his room, It was his nervous tic. He didn’t have to wait long. A large, grey owl tapped on the glass of the window. He opened it, letting the owl into his room. He had barely untied the letter when the owl took off out the window. He opened the letter with shaking fingers, already recognizing the thin writing.

Get over here, now.

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