Chapter Thirty

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Harry had been told that the morning after a first time was the most awkward and painful thing that he would ever experience. So he wasn’t entirely hopeful when he felt Draco start to stir. He adjusted himself, trying to get his arm out from under Draco without causing the blond to wake up more.

“If you leave this bed, I will bite your dick off.” Draco growled sleepily, pulling himself back against Harry’s side.

The Gryffindor laughed and let Draco cuddle against him. He tried to ignore the ruined sheets. Parts of them were torn from Draco’s claws. The area surrounding them was still damp from sweat. He made a face.

“I mean it Potter. None of that bullshit that you pulled last time.”

“Last ti- oh.” He blushed. He tended to be much slower in the mornings.

They lay like that for a little while, a comfortable silence falling over them as Draco closed his eyes again.

“Dray I think that we should get up.”

“I’ll get up when my ass stops aching.” Draco grumbled, tightening his grip of Harry.

Harry sat up, causing Draco’s arms to slip from around him. He looked down at the blond, happy with what he saw. The bruises still covered his torso, neck, and hips. He couldn’t see all the marks that were on his legs and back but he knew they were there. His pale hair was a mess, splaying across the pillow.

Draco blushed under his gaze, turning his face in an effort to hide it. His tail flicked along Harry’s leg. “I’m not joking. It feels like…. A jelly-legs charm and my pelvis was reductoed.”

Harry laughed and shook his head at his boyfriends bitchiness and leaned down, pressing a lingering kiss to the neko’s lips.

“C’mon. Up. I’m sure you know some healing spells.”

Draco groaned and complained but eventually sat up, wincing at the soreness. “And my legs hurt.”

“M’sorry kitten.” Harry pulled him into his lap, kissing one of the love bites on the blond’s neck. He moved lower, starting to make another mark on Draco’s shoulder.

“Dammit Potter. Are you wanting another round or to get up?”


Harry wandered into the kitchen as Draco darted upstairs to the bathroom. Seeing as he refused to let Ron and Hermione see him in that state, it was going to take a while for him to get ready.

Harry leaned against the counter, sipping the tea he just made. He hadn’t bothered to do much other than a quick rinse in the shower and finger combing his hair. Closing his eyes, he was savoring the silence before-

“Harry I can’t get him to calm down. He keeps screaming!” A frazzled looking Hermione brought in a wailing toddler on her hip.

Harry put down the tea, taking the toddler. Almost instantly, Teddy stopped crying. .The kid looked like a mini copy of Harry, making him smile. Hermione sighed and ran a hand through her frizzy hair.

“He’s been crying all morning. We’ve tried everything but it didn’t work. Eventually, Ron fell asleep. He had taken the ‘night shift’.” She explained, grabbing his tea from the counter and sipping it. “How was last night? How was Malfoy?”

Harry went red and coughed, turning away and heading into the pantry.

“Oh my god.” She put down the tea, scampering from the room.

Harry facepalmed, wanting to sink into the floor. They were bound to find out soon thanks to the bruises on Draco’s neck but it was still just as embarrassing.

Hermione returned back a few seconds later with a very sleepy looking Ron.

“ ‘Mione what?” Ron grumbled, swiping a hand across his eyes, trying to rub away the sleep that made his eyelids so heavy.

“Harry had sex with Malfoy!”


Harry sighed, glaring at the couple as Teddy started chirping ‘sex sex sex.’

Draco came down the stairs, wearing one of Harry’s shirts and sweatpants. He smacked Ron on the back of the head as he passed, taking Teddy from Harry.

“Stop teaching my cousin words that are inapprpriate for a two year old.” He snapped, going into the pantry to check for something Teddy could eat. He returned with a bag of crackers, ripping open the bag and transfiguring one of the stools into a high chair. Setting Teddy down, he glanced up at them. Ron and Hermione were giving him stunned looks.


“Your neck… and you’re wearing a t-shirt…”

Draco shrugged, pressing his left arm against his side to hide his dark mark. The others weren’t bothered by it but he still didn’t want to show it. “Well you would be seeing a lot more of these if I wasn’t wearing the t-shirt.” He gestured towards the bruises. “And as if you and Granger haven’t done worse Weasley.”

Ron rolled his eyes. “Do I even want to know details?”

“No.” Draco smirked. He reached into the bag to grab a cracker, swearing loudly and dropping it when he burned his finger.

Teddy giggled and repeated his swear, thumping his tiny fists against the food tray on the high chair. Draco looked midly sheepish before shrugging. “I’m the older cousin so technically I’m allowed to teach him swears.”

Harry rolled his eyes, coming around behind Draco and Teddy and putting his hands on Draco’s shoulders, making him sit down on a stool. Draco huffed but stayed still as Harry got out his wand, starting to heal up his hand.

“So…. You did follow my advice.” Hermione was still drinking Harry’s tea, now sitting up on the counter.

“What?” Draco turned to look at Harry, a threatening expression on his face. His ears had lowered, his tail flicking around the legs of the stool.

“No I didn’t.” Harry said, reaching out and trying to pet Draco’s ears. Draco hissed at him and swatted away his hand. Harry sighed and let his hand drop. “I actually completely forgot about that until right now.”

“What do you mean, your advice?” Draco sounded much more bitchy than usual but after all, he was very sensitive about this.

“We have to make you sweat in order to get the potion completely out of your system. So recommended that Harry… help you out.”

Draco stared at her for a second before he started laughing. The golden trio looked at each other, confused. Eventually, they started laughed as well. Little nervous giggles that were almost too quiet to be considered laughter.

Draco shook his head and stood up. “I’m going up to the library. Harry, do me a favor and bring up something for me to eat. I don’t feel like burning my hand again.”

He left, the last thing to dissappear was his fluffy tail. Teddy made grabby hands in the direction that Draco had left, his hair going white blond.

Harry sighed again and ran a hand through his hair. “If he is mad at me because of you guys, I’m not going to be amused.”

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