Chapter Eighteen

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Lemon warning I guess?

Harry looked up at his, watching his calm expression. Draco didn’t seem the least bit bothered by what he had just said. But Harry knew better. He saw the small dip in his Adam’s apple, the tiny blush, how tightly his eyes were closed. He was waiting to be rejected.

Draco looked down in surprise, a little more than slightly shocked to find that he had a lapful of Harry Potter. The Gryffindor’s startling green eyes were close to his own. “Harry?”


“Is this a yes?”

Harry laughed and kissed his nose, making Draco scrunch up his face and flatten his ears. His tail flicked, brushing along Harry’s leg. Harry got startled, looking down to see his tail. He chuckled and looked back at Draco. The blond stuck his tongue out at him.

“You shouldn’t have done that.” Harry purred, lunging forward and pressing their lips together.

Draco responded instantly, sliding his arms around Harry’s waist to steady him. “You’re awfully eager for only kissing me once before.” Draco said between kisses.

Harry ignored him, silencing him by nipping at his bottom lip. He quickly soothed the small hurt with his tongue, his hands starting to wander. One reached up Draco’s back, threading into his blond hair. Curiously, Harry rubbed at his ears. Draco purred, pushing off the wall and pressing closer to Harry.

As Harry started giving him soft kisses down his jaw and towards his neck, he started to breath hard. He had kissed Pansy before but it hadn’t gone farther than that. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that. Besides, both him and Pansy were only doing that to see if they were straight.

They weren’t.

Harry frowned, noticing Draco starting to panic. He stopped the gentle kisses, lifting his head to look at the blond.

“Is everything okay?”

Draco couldn’t say anything yet. He hesitated, not sure what to do. He didn’t want to stop this. But he didn’t want to go farther yet. But… did Harry even want to go farther? If he did, would he be angry with Draco for wanting to stop?

“Hey.” Harry said softly, using the hand that wasn’t in Draco’s hair to poke at his cheek lightly. Draco flinched, snapping back to reality. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not ready.” Draco always preferred to be blunt. Sure, being subtle was a skill he had. But in something like this, he didn’t think it would be a good idea. “I mean…. I want this. But I don’t... “

“You don’t want sex yet.” Harry finished. Draco swallowed hard and nodded. It caused his hair to tug slightly. He nearly whimpered, biting his lip to keep himself silent. Harry nodded. “That’s okay. I’m not ready for that either. Eventually.” He promised, nuzzling his face into Draco’s neck.

Draco noticeably relaxed, his grip loosening on Harry’s hips. He swore quietly and rubbed the spots his hands had been. “That’s going to bruise.”

“I don’t care. If I can mark you, you can mark me. It’s only fair.” He kissed the crook of Draco’s neck and sighed. “Can we go to bed? It’s been a long day.”

Draco nodded. “Wait… did you mark me?”

“Lip babe. I bit you.”

Draco shivered and the title and held him a bit closer for a second before gently shoving at him. “Off or else I can’t get up.”

“We can’t just sleep here?”

“You’re not the one who will be having ass and neck pains.”

Harry rolled his eyes but got off him, standing up and fondly smiling down at him. He held his hand out to help Draco up. Draco did so, groaning softly at the pain in his neck and back. Harry didn’t let go of his hand after Draco had stood up, leading them down towards the stairs.

They walked in comfortable silence, only stopping once when Harry tripped on the last step, nearly landing on his face if Draco hadn’t caught him. Draco teased him about it the entire way back to their room.

Harry took of his glasses, flopping backwards onto his bed. When Draco started to move away, he made grabby hands, not wanting him to leave. Draco laughed and batted his hands away. “I’m not going to sleep without washing my face Potter. You should get changed into your pajamas while I do so. Jeans are awful to sleep in and they leave marks on your skin.” He disappeared into the bathroom, swiping his pajamas as he went.

Harry muttered something about high maintenance boyfriends and grabbed his glasses again, going over to find his pajamas. He settled on wearing his flannel blue pants and comfy white t shirt.

He had already taken his glasses and gotten settled in his bed when Draco finally emerged from the bathroom. He padded across the room, poking Harry to tell him to move over. Harry grumbled sleepily and shifted back to let Draco under the covers.

“Merlin forbid you sleep in a Slytherin bed.”

“Stop bitching Malfoy.” Harry mumbled, pulling him close and kissing his temple. Draco huffed and rolled over, burying his face in Harry’s chest and closing his eyes.

“Good night Draco.”

“Good night Harry.”

“Cute Kitten.”

“I’m going to scratch you.”

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