Chapter Twenty-Six

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Draco winced and snuggled closer to the warm mattress. His head was pounding. Warmth. It was freezing cold. The room was always freezing cold. It was awful until he had started sleeping in Harry’s bed. He groaned, muffling the noise in the pillow and pulling the sheets closer.

“He’s awake.”

What was Ron doing in their room?

“Is he awake? Do you know his symptoms?”

And Hermione?

“Bloody hell Hermione. He just woke up.”

“Guys calm down. You’re going to piss him off. Draco is not a morning person.”

Harry. Draco opened his eyes, rolling over to see them. His vision was blurred from sleep. His frown deepened. His hair was probably everywhere. Not to mention that his skin felt greasy. Harry was probably going to think that he looked awful. And speak of the devil…

“Good morning Draco. How’re you doing?” His voice, though soft and gentle felt like needles in Draco’s head. Wincing, he burrowed more into the blankets. Harry’s worried look faded.

“I think he’s just got a headache. He doesn’t seem to like noise that much.” He said, just as softly, to Hermione. There was a series of soft clinks until she spoke. “Have him drink this.”

“Alright. Come on Draco. You’ve got to sit up and take this potion. It’ll make your headache go away.”

He groaned again and pulled the covers over his head so only his fluffy ears poked out. Closing his eyes again, he relaxed. Sleep. Sleep sounded nice. Why was Harry trying to give him a potion? Couldn’t he just lay down and cuddle him? He wanted to sleep.

Harry sighed. “Come on love. Afterwards, you can take another nap if you want. But you need to take this.” He pulled down the blanket just enough for Draco’s eyes to peek out. “Please?”

“Damn you. You and your puppy eyes.” Draco grumped groggily, sitting up. Harry smiled and helped him get settled, making sure that when he adjusted, he wouldn’t sit on his tail.

“Okay. Ready?”

When Draco nodded, he lifted the small bottle up to Draco’s lips and tilted it. Draco drank the vial, cringing and making a face. When the vial was empty, Harry placed it on the table and started to get up. Draco growled and grabbed his wrist, pulling him back down.

“No. Cuddle.”

Harry laughed and sighed, shooting a look to Hermione. She shrugged and put the vials back into her bag. He wrapped his arms around Draco’s waist. The blond beamed and buried his face into the crook of Harry’s neck.

It was only a few minutes until Draco’s breathing evened out, falling asleep in the only place he truly felt safe.

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