Chapter Thirty-Six

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Hey everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates over the past few days. I've been having some health issues and decided to take a few days to recover and rest up. The updates should be back to normal now!


Dinner was awkward. Draco ended up just sitting and entertaining Teddy with his tail while the other three ate. Harry would have to help him eat later. Great.

“Tomorrow morning is when I will take Draco to Gringotts. Once we are done with that, we can visit the Weasleys.” Hermione had been talking about the plan, going over it again and again. It was her way to fill the uncomfortable silence. Harry kept feeding Teddy, trying to ignore the frosty glares that Draco and Ron kept sending each other.

“I’m going to stay back in the tent with Teddy while you guys go.”

Everyone turned to look at the blond who just shrugged. “The only people in that house that won’t want to blast me half would be the twins. And it’s not unwarranted. What my father did to your family should be punishable.”

“Draco-” Harry sounded exasperated and tired.

“I’m not arguing this. Teddy shouldn’t be leaving the tent anyways and I don’t know if the neko will start acting up again. I don’t know how to control it and if it gets worse, I could end up getting myself into a problem I don’t need.”

The table fell silent again. Draco sighed and stood up. “I’m going to go get ready for bed.”

Hermione started to protest but Draco had already left the room.

“Don’t worry about him ‘Mione. I can take care of him. And his ‘get ready for bed’ routine usually lasts an hour with his shower and stuff.” Harry was trying to get Teddy to finish his food but the toddler was having none of it. He hit the bowl hard, sending the food flying onto the table. Harry sighed as Ron reached for his wand and cleaned it up. Everyone sighed as the toddler started wailing, his hair going white-blond.

“I’ll try to get him to calm down. Can you two clean up?” With out waiting for them to answer, Hermione lifted Teddy from his high chair and left to the toddler’s bedroom.

Ron and Harry got to cleaning, talking quietly so neither of their lovers would hear them.

“I don’t know what’s going on with him. He’s gotten so irritable overnight and I don’t know if it’s my fault or….” He paused and scrubbed at the dish. He knew that he could use magic to clean but he left his wand in the bedroom and he was too lazy and tired to go get it. “That damn book probably has more information but the entire thing is thicker than my arm. It could take all night to find it.”

Ron was busy drying off the dishes. He had his wand but seeing as Harry was using his hands, he decided to do as well. “If you can’t get him to tell you what’s wrong then just make sure you don’t do anything to get him in a worse mood.” He shrugged. “That’s what I do with Hermione and it usually works. Then she tells me what’s going on whenever she’s ready.”

“I’ll try doing that. It’s just do difficult with him because of the whole neko thing.”

“If it wasn’t for “the whole neko thing”, you wouldn’t have gotten laid last night so shut up.”

Harry rolled his eyes and finished washing the dishes.

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