Chapter Nine

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“He hasn’t woken up yet. The healers said that there is something strange going on with him. There was something injected in his neck but they can’t tell what it is or what effects it’s going to have on him.” Harry had started speaking before Hermione or Ron could even ask what was going on. He looked more than stressed, his black hair even more messy than normal.

“I’m sure he’s going to be fine. I mean, he’s gotten this far.” Ron awkwardly attempted to comfort Harry. Harry gave him a small smile. It meant a lot that he was actually trying. Draco and Ron were still on shaky terms. They got along well enough but it didn’t take much to spark a conflict.

“Yeah. And you know how good the healers are here. If there is anything wrong, they will figure out what it is and how to fix it.” Hermione added, sitting next to him on the couch and rubbing his back. The couple kept giving each other concerned glances. Harry was a lot more worried than they had expected.

“Hermione only told me a little bit of what happened. Is there-”

“Ron!” Hermione smacked at his arm, earning a yelp from him.

“It’s alright Hermione. It’s not like Draco died.”

“I know but…. Fine. We can start from the beginning.”

Harry started to explain with the occasional input from Hermione. He talked about the owl and the note. The complications with the wards. The theory about who wrote the note. Finally, he handed the note that he had found on Draco’s pocket.

“Bloody hell. I didn’t think something like this would happen. I know all the Death Eaters aren’t rounded up yet but… I wasn’t expecting something like this to happen.”

The other two nodded in agreement.

“Mr. Potter?”

The three fell silent as the healer walked over to them. Harry stood to greet them, “We have some news.”

They all winced. That didn’t sound good. The healer sat down in the chair across from them. Harry hovered nervously by the arm of the chair.

“Mr. Malfoy is recovering quickly. All of his injuries have been fixed other than the one on his wrist. This one was healed but it will scar.”

Harry nodded. He knew Draco wasn’t going to be happy about that. He already had enough problems having to see that mark all the time. This would only make it worse.

“As for the marks on his neck. We have discovered what was injected into his body. We checked for several different types of infections including the lycanthropy infection and vampire venom.”

“And they came back negative?” Hermione asked, perching on the edge of the couch now. She had moved closer to the edge of the couch as the healer was talking.

“Yes. All except for one test. Maybe it is best for you to come with us and see.”

Harry nodded again, his heart fluttering nervously. “Is he awake?”

“He woke up briefly but soon had to be sedated. He had an outburst.”

Hermione and Ron stood as well. “Can we come with him?”

“Yes. There is enough room for the three of you. But I must warn you about trying to wake him up or touch him. He may have woken up again and when he does, he will be in a state.”

The three followed the healer out of the waiting room and down the hall. Hermione and Ron tried to engage Harry in conversation but the raven haired boy was far too worried to contribute more than a nod. As the healer opened the door to let them in, Hermione gasped and grabbed onto Ron’s arm.

“It’s not that bad Granger. There isn’t a need to overreact.”

Harry trailed in after them, nearly dropping the note.

Draco was sitting on the bed looking very pissed off. His hair was a mess. The blood and dirt had been mostly washed off, a bandage covering his wrist.

And he had a tail.

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