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//TW underaged drinking //

Jackson got home quickly and settled down on his couch. A deep sigh resonated from his soul. He was highly worried about both of his students, especially Jinyoung. Not sleeping could kill him. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by his phone ringing. He picked up without looking at the caller id.

"Hello?" Jackson said.

"Jackson, you sound so sad." 

"M-mom?" Jackson's mood perked up instantly, "I'm fine mom, really. I was just thinking about some stuff."

"Is everything okay?" His mother was concerned. 

"Yes, everything is okay." Jackson laughed, "I promise. Enough about me, how are you doing?" 

"I'm doing fine! Your father is doing just fine too. In fact, we're going out for dinner tonight." 

Jackson smiles, "Well I hope you two have fun." 

"Of course!" Mrs.Wang laughed, "I just wanted to call to check on you. I'll talk to you later, okay honey?

"Talk to later, bye mama." Jackson smiled, hung up his phone. Its 6:45, the evening is young and he has nothing to do. Jackson sighed, it's a Friday evening and he's young, dumb and not broke. He went to change into some more casual clothes, grabbed his keys, and left his house.  


"I bought hair dye, alcohol, and my amazing personality." Bambam grabbed one of his bags, various colors of hair dyes spilled out onto the floor. He sat down and started organizing them by color. 

The other guys joined him on the floor.

"Amazing personality?" Jinyoung questioned, "If you consider annoying everyone amazing, I guess you're right."

"Hush Jinyoung." Bambam rolled his eyes and put one finger to his lips.

Jinyoung look mildly offended but didn't say anything. 

"Okay, chose a color!" Bambam smiled. 

Jaebum chose wine red, Youngjae chose strawberry blonde and Mark chose black. 

"Yugyeom? You don't want to dye your hair?" Bambam frowned a little. Yugyeom was the reason he brought the dyes, they were talking about hair dying the other day. 

"I don't know what color to choose, Bam." The youngest sighed. 

"What if we both did bold colors?" Bambam picked up the white and yellow dyes, "I do white, you do yellow?" 

Yugyeom smiled, "Mhm okay." He grabbed the yellow dye from Bam. 

"What about you, Jinyoung?" Bambam looked at him expectantly. 

"I don't dye my hair. I care about my scalp, I don't want to go bald before 25." Jinyoung shrugged, "I'll help you all dye your hair though." 

"Boring but okay." Bambam replied. 

Within an hour, everyone's hair was dyed except Bambam. Jinyoung was helping him. 

"Mark, you look good with black hair. It suits you." Youngjae smiled. 

"Thanks. Blonde makes you look even more cute." Mark sat next to Yugyeom who was going through his phone.

Jaebum ran his hand through his hair and leaned against Youngjae. 

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