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TW: Physical fighting

Of course Mark and Jinyoung started their little competition as a friendly thing but quickly over the past few weeks the competition has gotten intense and serious between the two. Jinyoung has been staying after school even more for extra help and texting with Jackson more. They were fairly friendly with each other. Mark often comes to Jackson's room after he's done volunteering in the office and he "accidentally" dms Jackson memes, they talk often. Jackson himself has noticed the way they started acting towards each other but he questioned both of them, both said everything was fine between them so he decided not to press the subject any further, though he was a bit suspicious. Over the past few weeks of texting the two boys more, Jackson's feelings for both of them has grown and evolved. He's started to care about both of them more and found himself thinking about them randomly. Still, he couldn't act of how he's feeling, he was their teacher of course he couldn't cross that line.

It was friday, lunch time. The sixlet was having lunch together.

"I have good news!" Yugyeom smiled and sat next to Bam. Everyone looked up from what they were doing. Yugyeom took a deep breath, "I have a date with a girl!"

Everyone's face held a shocked expression. Yugyeom has a date?

"With a real girl?" Mark asked, "living, breathing girl?"

"Yes! She's a living, breathing girl. Remember the girl that was flirting with me and we exchanged numbers? Well we've gotten closer over these few weeks and I asked her out!"

Bambam smiled bitterly and went back to eating.

"Congrats Yugyeom!" Youngjae smiled.

"I'm surprised but good job." Jinyoung smiled.

"Have fun on your date? When is it?" Jaebum asked.

"Its tomorrow! I'm excited." Yugyeom smiled widely, "Its a simple lunch and movie date."

Mark glanced over to Bambam, the younger wore a frown on his face.

Yugyeom noticed the frown on Bambam's face, "Are you okay, Bam?"

Bambam stuttered out a reply, "Y-yeah I'm fine. I just think the food messed with my stomach funny you know? Uh I'm g-gonna go to the restroom. Excuse me."Bambam threw his food in the trash and rushed out of the Cafeteria.

Youngjae glanced at Mark, they both knew.

"I'm going to go make sure Bambam is okay." Youngjae rushed after Bam.

Yugyeom nodded, his mood fell a bit.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." Jaebum smiled reassuringly.

Yugyeom smiled and mumbled a small 'I hope so' before returning back to eating.

"What are we doing in Mr.Wang's class today?" Mark asked Jinyoung.

"You'll find out when you get there." Jinyoung frowned, he rolled his eyes a bit.

Mark gave Jinyoung a smug look, "Okay, ice prince."

"Don't call me that." Jinyoung frowned.

"Mhm of course, prince." Mark smiled.

"Shut up Mark." Jinyoung sneered.

"Cut it out." Jaebum looked at both of them, "You both have been at each other's throats for weeks now."

Yugyeom nodded in agreement.

"Maybe Jinyoung should stay in a child's place." Mark face darkened.

"Maybe you should stop trying to slut up to every attractive man you see." Jinyoung snapped back.

"Maybe you should stop being a spoiled brat all of the fucking time. You can't everything you want, prince." Mark stood up, "You're no better than me."

Jinyoung laughed and stood up, "You want to say that to my face?

Jaebum rolled his eyes, "Both of you stop. Now." Jaebum's voice was steady and cold.

Mark ignored Jaebum and walked up to Jinyoung.

"You're no better than me. You act high and mighty but just because you have some fucking money doesn't mean you're any better than me. At least I have parents that actually care about me. Look at you, your daddy's gone all the time on business trips, probably has a new woman around him every week and your mom was just a slut who wanted your daddy's money. Looks like being a whore runs in your family." Mark sneered.

"Don't be mad because you have mommy issues, Mark. Its hard dealing with an alcoholic mother isn't it?" Jinyoung leaned into Mark's ear, "Don't worry if you do home and your mother is dead surrounded by Soju, I'll pay for the funeral for you."

Mark snapped, he pushed Jinyoung away and punched the younger boy in the face. Jaebum and Yugyeom eyes widened, Yugyeom was about to try break it up but Jaebum held him back.

"Don't talk shit if you can't back it up." Mark sneered, "Those pretty white teeth of your's can be rearranged quickly."

Jinyoung respond by slamming Mark onto the table and choking him, "Too bad I fight to kill."

Jaebum and Yugyeom moved out of the way, the whole cafeteria was now watching the fight.

Mark somehow wiggled his way out of Jinyoung's grasp, he rolled on the floor. He tried to get up but Jinyoung kicked him down. The younger boy joined the older on the floor, he repeatedly punched Mark in the face. Mark's vision was getting clouded, he presumed by blood. Though there was no way he was giving up this quickly in the fight. Mark managed to switch their position to him being on top, he repeated the same assault Jinyoung's face. Mark got up and dragged Jinyoung up, he rammed the younger boy into the wall. Jinyoung spit up blood. Mark was about to kick Jinyoung but the younger grabbed his foot. Jinyoung swung him by his foot into the wall. Mark swore. Jinyoung punched Mark but Mark punched back, they went like this for a while until the security came and dragged the two apart. They were dragged to the main office, where they waited for the police to come.

"Mark you understand that you are going to jail? You assaulted a minor." The principle spoke.

"I understand." Mark looked down and sighed. He just ruined his life.

"If you do manage to get bailed out, you will have to execute a ten day suspension."

Mark simply nodded.

"Park Jinyoung, you will be suspended for ten days." The principle said.

Jinyoung simply nodded.

"I'm disappointed in both of you." The principle walked way.

The police showed up and took Mark away. Before they left Jinyoung spoke to Mark, tears were in his eyes.

"Mark, I'm so sorry."

"Its okay, Jinyoungie. I took things too far." Mark left the school with the police.

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