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!! TW Mentions of Suicide !! 

Jinyoung grabbed his pre packed bags and slowly creeped out of his room, careful not to make a sound. He tipped toed down the stairs and was about to open the door when he heard something break behind him. It was his father and a broken lap laid on the floor. 

"Did you really think I would just let you leave?" His father spoke.

Jinyoung spat bitterly at his father, "Why do you think I'm sneaking out?"

"There's no point in that!" His father's voice steadily raised. 

Jinyoung threw his bag, just missing his father, "Yes there is! You prohibited me from contacting her-" 

Jinyoung was cut of by his father, "but you did anyway."

"She is my mother!" Jinyoung screamed. 

"She is dead!" Jinyoung's father screamed.

Jinyoung paused, a wave of sorrow washed over him, "You're lying."

"Park Jinyoung, your mother is dead! Don't you wonder why she hasn't contacted you in months now? She's dead."

"Where is her body?" Jinyoung questioned, his voice shaky and weak.

"No body could be recovered, at least fully she was in a horrible accident. Besides, you are thirteen years old, do you think I would let you see your mother as she lies in a coffin. Now go back upstairs with your bag and go back to sleep." 

"You don't care that she's dead do you?" 

"Whether I care or not, does not matter." His father spoke, his voice was void of all emotions and his expression carried an icy rage.

Jinyoung rushed past his father, hitting him in the process and grabbed his bag. "She was your wife didn't you love her?" 

"Once upon a time." 

Jinyoung rushed upstairs, locked his door and began to cry. His father stood in the same spot in the living room, pleased with himself and the fact that his son could not leave him for his ex wife. 

How could he leave for a dead woman after all? 

Jinyoung's mother lived in Australia.

When he was asked about his mother he omitted one minor detail. Everything else he told was true though, his mother did move to Australia, she did move after sucking a good amount of money out of his father, she did stop contacting Jinyoung for a while after she first moved to Australia because she was upset he wanted to stay with his father and whatnot,

But was he really lying when he said his mother was still in Australia?

His mother did reside in Australia but he never said his mother was alive in Australia and he never referred to her in present tense when talking to people.


Jinyoung's mother sat in front of the man she despised. 

"Why are you here? I left you for a reason." She spat. 

"Not after taking my money, you've always had expensive taste. Does your new lover know that?" He replied, "But I am not here for such petty back and forth insults, we had enough it in court." 

"I hate you." She said to him for the millionth time.

"You only hate me because I found out you were using me." His father sighed, "Again, I am not here for a repeat of our trial." 

"Then why are you here?" she sneered.

"It's Jinyoung." His father held his head low. 

"What? Does he want to come with me now? I miss him so much-"

Mr.Park cut of his wife, "He killed himself, J-jinyoung is dead." 

Tears started to form from Ms. Park's eyes, "W-what? My baby, my son...is dead? You're lying!" 

"Why would I lie about this?" 

"My Jinyoung was not depressed! He had no reason to kill himself! You're lying, you are a liar! My son would never ever commit suicide!" 

"You keep referring to him as a object and I hate it; 'my' Jinyoung, 'my' son. Jinyoung was suffering but you were to busy worrying about yourself to see that!"

"...I want to see his body." His mother whispered. 

"I had him cremated." 

"Without asking me! How could you?" She screamed, then glanced down at the bag at her former husband's side, "That bag...is he...in the bag?"

He handed her the bag without a word. Her sobs only grew louder as she saw what was inside, a vase of ashes. 

"Y-you can keep them." Jinyoung's father said as he stood up. 

"Y-you you you you're leaving?" She managed to say between sobs.

"Yes, I can't stand to see you like this." He didn't look back as he walked out of the door, leaving his wife crying over a fake story and cat ashes. 

Four years. 

That's how long Jinyoung's mother has been dead. 

That's how long Jinyoung has been dead. 

That's how long Jinyoung's father has lived with the guilt of lying to both his son and ex wife. To him it was a necessary evil, he couldn't bare the thought of Jinyoung leaving years ago to stay with the woman who broke his heart and he couldn't bare to have her visit his son. 

Lying was just simply the easiest way to keep them world's apart. 

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