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To say that Jackson was disappointed in both Mark Tuan and Park Jinyoung was an understatement. He had heard about everything that happened from Jaebum, then after school had heard everything once again from the principal. He was pissed, very very pissed at the two. Not only was he pissed at them for fighting each other, he was pissed that they didn't tell him the truth when he asked about the state of things between them. Jackson decided not to go straight home, he stopped at the cafe that he had ran into the sixlet of friends. 

"Hi sir, can I take your order?" The cashier smiled. 

"I'll have a cinnamon roll and medium lemonade." Jackson smiled.

"That will be $5.09." 

Jackson handed off the exact amount to the cashier. The cashier gathered the items of Jackson's order and handed it off to him with a smile. Jackson walked out of the cafe and sat in the car for a bit, some little part of his brain told him to call Jinyoung. Jackson pulled out his phone and went to the" #1 Actor " contact he pressed call. Jinyoung picked up right away.

"Jackson?" Jinyoung questioned. 

"Explain. Everything now." Jackson voice held a somewhat threatening tone. 

"It was petty and dumb." Jinyoung sighed. 

"Why did you lie and say everything was fine between you two?" Jackson asked. 

"Cause the truth is dumb, you would be upset" Jinyoung reasoned. 

"Too late for that now, Jinyoung." Jackson bit his lip. 

Jinyoung sighed, "Mark and I made a bet...a competition." 

"About?" Jackson questioned further.

"About who could capture your attention. It started out friendly but it just got too serious, too fast."

Jackson laughed, he laughed for a good minute before finally responding  to Jinyoung, "Jinyoung?" 

"Yes?" Jinyoung gulped, obviously nervous. 

"There was no need for that competition you both caught my eye from day one."  Jackson smiled, "Why do you think I put up with your obvious acting dumb to get extra help in my class stunt? Or why I put up with Mark's perverted and line crossing comments?" 

"You knew?" Jinyoung whispered.

"Of course I knew. I wasn't born yesterday." Jackson laughed, "Though you are a good actor, keep it up."

Jinyoung laughed, "Thank you. I wish it never would have went this far." 

"I wish it didn't either." Jackson sighed. 

"I'm planning on paying off his bail Monday." Jinyoung said.

"All by yourself?" Jackson questioned.

"Yes, it won't be a problem. Besides its the least I could do, I said some nasty shit. We both did but I, I really crossed the line with what I said." Jinyoung admitted.

"When he gets out, remember to tell him that." 

"I will." Jinyoung said.

Jackson cleared his throat, "I want to see you? Or is your face not acceptable to show in public?"

Jinyoung laughed, "Well its swollen, bruised and cut up." 

"No, you are not acceptable to be seen in public." Jackson laughed.

"You could come over though. It's not like my father is ever home and my mother is non existent in my life, she doesn't even live in this country anymore."

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