25- World of First's

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As the summer goes along Patrick and I finally have a long awaited date night. These were rare only because we usually just find time here and there to hang out, rarely do we ever get to go out and do something. But I do love when he makes these plans and he gets so into them. I thought it was endearing.

"Are you ready are you ready are you ready" he asks over and over and I giggle at his excitement.

"You sound like a puppy" I admit.

"Am I a cute puppy" he smirks.

"The cutest" I assure him.

He grabs my hand and laces his fingers through mine. He starts to go to the door of my apartment pulling me behind him.

"Bye Andy. I'll make sure I bring your daughter back to you in one piece" Patrick yells at my dad.

"She doesn't have to come back, but I would appreciate some ice cream" my dad yells back and I roll my eyes. Those two sometimes... can't live with them, can't live without them.

We end up going to a huge indoor arcade which had bowling and put put and go carts and arcade games. It was really cool looking and I was pretty excited. It was all retro themed and that made my 80's heart happy. The good this about growing up poor is that you're about 5 years behind everyone else's so this is the stuff I remember seeing in stores and on t-shirts and stuff.

"Alright. Where do you want to start" he asks as we look around.

"I don't know. This is all so new to me" I sigh.

"We can do the hardest one first. Have you ever bowled before" he asks.

"Nope" I admit.

"What about putt putt" he questions.

"I've watched golf before" I claim.

"Well what's your favorite video game" he wonders and I laugh.

"Anything you can find at the dollar store. I always enjoyed the crosswords" I admit.

"I'm sorry. I forgot-" he starts.

"Forgot that I'm poor" I finish and he shakes his head.

"I didn't mean it like that" he begs.

"It's okay Patrick. There's nothing you can do now to change the fact that I never had family bowling nights or went putt putting with my friends. I never got to play video games or go to my friends house and challenge them to sonic. But you can help me find my favorite video game and teach me how to bowl. I can promise you I'll be terrible at putt putt but we can be terrible together" I insist and he smiles at me.

"I would love that" he admits.

We start off with bowling and he shows me how to hold the ball and roll it. All 6 pounds of it. I get bumpers at first and thank God too. I was not very good at aiming the ball in the right direction.

"Let me help you" Patrick insists. He wraps his arms around me so my back was pressed up against his chest. He moved my hand that wasn't holding the ball to a different position leaving his hand on top of mine before holding on to my other wrist tight. He moves the ball back before releasing it down the lane. We both watch the little hot pink ball spin all the way to the pins knocking them all down.

I jump up and down pretty excited about this new accomplishment. That was my first strike ever and that was pretty cool in my book. Maybe these games aren't too bad after all. I turn to Patrick who was watching me like I was his kid who bowled their first strike. He smiles brightly as I move in closer to him.

"I did it" I cheered and he pulls me back into his chest.

"I have a feeling that even though you haven't been able to do a lot of things, you're still going to be good at it all" he claims and I blush.

"What makes you say that" I question. 

"Because anything you put your mind to, you are incredible at. You're an amazing person who could do no wrong in my mind. And you said it yourself, the best people make the best of any opportunity. And even though you're in a world of firsts right now, I just don't see it going any other way than the way you want it to go" he explains.

"Well I think I want to keep bowling. This is a lot of fun" I admit.

"As long as you don't beat me I'm fine with that" he insists and I roll my eyes.

After a few games of bowling we move to putt putt which is a lot easier. It didn't hurt my fingers and it's a lot easier to cheat when I messed up because I can just move the ball when Patrick isn't looking. And after doing that for a while we decided we should grab some food and hit the games. I watch him play for a while before I gave it a try.

"How are you so good at these games" I ask.

"I have three sisters. It was I either played video games in my free time or played dolls with them" he scoffs.

"I know you played dolls with them. Jessica already told me you did" I inform him and he pouts from the other side of the pinball machine.

"Jess" he mutters and I laugh.

"You shouldn't be embarrassed about playing dolls with your sisters. It's really kind and it shows how compassionate you are" I explain.

"Not everyone wants to hear about how good of a guy I am" he reminds me.

"And that's their loss. Because you're the best guy" I insist. I walk over and grab his face before pulling him into a soft kiss. One to remind him that he is a great guy and that he should never forget it.

After we spend the night being kids for once we head out to our spot. We get to the top of the bridge and just watch the sun set over his beautiful day. His arm wrapped around me as my head rests on his shoulder.

"This is my favorite place to be. Up here, with you" I admit.

"It sucks we can't do this more often" he claims.

"If we did it wouldn't be so special though. How we got here, through the long days apart and everything else that causes us issues in between, that's what makes this view so beautiful. Because we can watch the sun set on all our problems in the past and we can start all over again. We can keep making these memories in this city together. It's only special because we make it that way.

I know that when I'm up here with you, you won't let me fall. You'll never let me go. When I'm up here I feel like I can fly, like we can watch this life go by us from atop the clouds. And while I love it up here, I wouldn't want to change a single thing about my life down there" I explain.

"And this is why I love you" he smiles.

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