Chapter Eight

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What am I gonna say once I get there?

Eldon pursed his lips and furrowed his eyebrows.

Is she even gonna wanna see me? It's been three months.

Well, three months wasn't considered that long. But their situation made it feel like a year had gone by. He couldn't stop thinking about how Elouise probably waited patiently for his return throughout the month of Journis. Everyone's patience gives out eventually, though. And he imagined it happened to her about a month ago. She probably pushed him out of his mind and decided to figure out everything else without him.

Which was fine.

Eldon still found all that magic and destiny stuff weird. He wouldn't have been much help, anyway. If anything, he would've been a distraction from his constant doubt. He would've slowed her and Fayre down.

Is that gonna make comin' to the castle weirder?

Snow snorted, and he sat up.

"Sorry," he murmured. "Wasn't ignorin' you, girl."

Eldon glanced around their surroundings and sighed. Why was he worrying? After all, it would be King Philip he would have to talk to. But he also couldn't doubt the possibility of seeing Elouise at least once before he left. And he had no idea what to say or do if that moment came.

When time came for another break, Eldon scoped the area before getting himself comfortable. Snow munched on a few carrots while he settled beneath an oak tree for a nap. Despite his racing thoughts, his eyes were begging for rest. As soon as he felt himself doze off, Snow whinnied, and he gasped.

Eldon jolted upright, expecting to find a horde of trollbies rushing their way. And that would've made more sense to him than what he actually found.

A slight crunch from above had him shifting his gaze upward and finding Leanne sitting on a sturdy branch, smirking down at him. Eldon leaped onto his feet and stumbled backwards, gaping up at her, torn between celebrating and asking her what in the world she was doing here. There was no way—no way at all—she'd left with Bolton's permission. That thought alone had his heart racing while Leanne expertly climbed her way down and spun around, laughing at him.

She wore beige breeches, worn out black boots, and a tucked-in black shirt with a high-collar and strings that Eldon was sure belonged to her father. And Eldon gulped.

"I saw you checkin' out the area," said Leanne. "You ain't so good at spottin' things." She then narrowed her eyes at Snow. "Neither are you, girl. I woulda thought you woulda sensed the other mare."

"Other mare?" Eldon managed, rubbing his neck.

Leanne pointed over her shoulder with her thumb. "Brought me Buttercup. I know Daddy says she's an old gal, but she's still got a lot in her. Speakin' of..." She peeked around the tree's stump and whistled, signaling Buttercup over from wherever she'd been hiding.

Eldon blinked hard. This couldn't be real. It just couldn't be real.

"W-what're you doing here?" he questioned.

Leanne led Buttercup over toward Snow. Snow, of course, was delighted to see Leanne. Eldon followed, still gawking.

For a moment, Leanne didn't say anything. She just stroked Snow's mane and stared off into the distance, like she couldn't think of the right answer.

Then, after a deep breath, she turned to him. Suddenly, that mischievous girl who kept smiling at him before he left was nowhere to be found. She looked defeated—embarrassed, even. His heart stopped beating so fast and just... dropped.

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