Chapter Twenty-One

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The moment she stepped back into the castle, Elouise found herself bombarded. By her maids, Fayre, Henry, and numerous guards and knights who'd been losing their wits, wondering where she'd gone. She briefly noticed Ivy standing behind everyone, looking as equally disheveled as she felt.

Miserable thought after thought crowded Elouise's mind. She couldn't hear anything anyone was telling her.

Those people were playing their games again. Taunting her. Taunting her people.

Nearly killing Henry.


Oh no.

Henry knew about her magic now. 

And what she had done to that arrow... that had been a different ability—not like any she knew Anita had. She had halted it midair without destroying it with her light magic or her fire. Surely Henry had plenty of questions for her. She had many for herself, too. How could she even begin to explain anything to him, though? He wasn't supposed to know. Would he want nothing more to do with her?

Lastly, she finally discovered Eldon's ability. Healer.

Like Ashton.

Had Eldon known? And if he had, why wouldn't he have told her?

Soldiers kept scolding each other, asking one another how they could be so careless as to allow their princess outside the walls when danger was lurking. Elouise blinked hard and finally glanced around at everyone.

"Truly, Elouise," Fayre's voice cut through everyone else's. Elouise faced her, and Fayre quirked an eyebrow. "What were you thinking?"

Elouise wanted to respond, except the arguments from the two different groups of guards, and her frantic maids asking her if she needed anything were confusing her. She couldn't think!

"Stop!" she pleaded, clenching her fists.

Everyone flinched and obliged. Not even the sounds of their breaths could be heard.

Elouise exhaled shakily. "I am so tired of all of you looking at me as if I were a delicate little doll that could break at any moment. I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself!"

"Your Highness, we never said—"

"I'm speaking right now, Sir Aaron!" Aaron's eyes went comically wide, then he quickly averted his attention to the marble floor.

Elouise took a few deep breaths and lowered her shoulders. "I would like for all you to know that I do not need any rescuing."

"Ah, then perhaps you will not be needing my assistance anymore," a strangely deep voice spoke from behind.

Elouise's right eye twitched. "What?" Though when she whirled around and spotted Reverend Mathew standing next to a frail and pale looking man, her anger shifted to shame. She cleared her throat and straightened up.

"Who is this?" she timidly asked the reverend, her voice cracking slightly at the end.

"I know it must be a terrible time, Your Highness," Reverend Mathew began, his tone much kinder than his guest's, "but as soon as the chaos cleared, I quickly escorted Dr. Godwin over here. I understand it's urgent to get him to your father immediately."

A few gasps emitted from her maids and Sir Aaron. Elouise mentally cursed. Her face was awfully warm, tempting her into fanning herself. Yet she mustered a smile and held her hand out to the physician.

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