Chapter Twenty-Six

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Eldon raised his hands to pat Elouise's back when she pulled back. He withdrew them and looked down. Maybe he'd taken too long, but he hadn't been able to tell how much time had passed.

Elouise roughly wiped her face with the back of her hand. Despite her best efforts, more tears escaped. She sniffled and murmured what sounded like an apology. Eldon glanced at the wide tear stain she'd left on his chest. And he wondered how they went from holding hands outside to this.

Elouise forced herself up, and he quickly did the same. She held onto the edge of her father's desk and took a shaky breath. "I suppose... I suppose I... should be with him." Her voice was awfully soft, like she was struggling to breathe between each word. She started to move past him—one step at a time.

He followed.

In her father's room, they found that a few servants had already finished making him comfortable in bed. Dr. Rolfe was also checking on him. Eldon waited by the doors while Elouise walked forward to sit by her father's side.

"This is very peculiar," Dr. Rolfe admitted, shaking his head. "I am so sorry, Your Highness."

Elouise reached for her father's hand and grasped it tightly between both of hers. "Is, is there really no hope?"

"I'm afraid not, Your Highness. He has succumbed to his illness."

"But what is his illness?"

"That is our problem, isn't it?" Dr. Rolfe sighed and turned away from the bed. Before walking off, he glanced over his shoulder. "I will leave you two alone. Say your goodbyes, Your Highness. Even if he cannot respond, I am certain he will hear you." He then reached Eldon and nodded at him.

Eldon watched him walk out of the room. And then he widened his eyes. Was he supposed to leave, too? This moment needed to be private for Elouise, right?

But when he took a step toward the door, Elouise said, "I want you to know that, that no matter what happens... I... I assure you the deal you agreed to will not fall through."

Eldon lowered his shoulders. Did she really think that was all he cared about?

He turned back around and pursed his lips. She stared at him with wide and glossy red eyes that looked like the marble floors in the hallways.

"It's fine, Ellie," he told her. "That don't matter to me."

"It matters to me." Her voice cracked, and she blinked hard, causing a few more of those droplets to rush down her face. "As selfish as it may be, I cannot let you leave. I-I... I don't want you to leave me, Eldon. So, if this makes you stay—"

"I'll stay no matter what," he cut her off, nodding. "You don't gotta do nothin' for me."

"I still want to. Everyone in Penuriam deserves a break."

He couldn't disagree with her there. He just hated discussing this while she said goodbye to her last living parent.

"I'm sorry." Eldon gestured to her father. "I really wish that doctor coulda saved him."

"As do I," she whispered, turning her attention back to her father. She removed one of her hands from his and reached up to stroke his cheek. "I truly believed Godwin would heal him."

Eldon's expression softened.


He dropped his gaze to his right palm and felt a lump in his throat.

Every time it had happened, it'd been to himself. He hadn't tried it on someone else.

Eldon darted his eyes to the unconscious king, and his heart did a rough leap.

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