Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Elouise folded her hands on the edge of the bed. Then she leaned forward and rested her chin on them, her face inches away from Eldon's.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up," she begged in whispers.

This had basically been her life for the past two days.

When Booker had found her, dread kept her frozen as he told her everything that'd happened between Eldon and the trainee Arnold. To top it off, Booker then explained how Arnold had secretly been a part of the group of attackers this entire time.

Part of her knew not to be surprised. After all, he had been the only trainee she hadn't known. She always made a note of the new recruits. Somehow, Arnold had escaped her attention one year ago, and managed to avoid her until now. 

Booker immediately took her to where Arnold and Eldon lied side-by-side. Elouise kneeled beside Eldon and flinched when she noticed the blood trickling out of a head wound. Why hadn't his magic healed him yet?

Booker called over two guards walking by.

Turning away from Eldon, she quietly instructed the guards to take Arnold to the infirmary. Once stable enough, she wanted him to be put into a cell in the dungeon.

"What about Eldon?" asked Booker. "He needs to be seen by Dr. Rolfe, too!"

Elouise knew that couldn't happen. Eventually, that wound would heal, and it would raise questions if he were monitored by someone else.

"Y-Yes," she agreed anyway. "B-But I want him taken to a private room where Dr. Rolfe can see to him separately," she finished quickly when the guards turned to stare at her as well.

One of them carefully lifted Eldon up into his arms. Elouise told him which bedchamber to put him in. The guard nodded and left as the rest of the trainees were returning.

Leanne rushed forward. "What happened?" Though she awkwardly bowed when Elouise turned to her. Formalities back intact since the captain was catching up to them.

Annaliese reached them first. Booker explained the situation to them while Elouise followed the last guard back to the castle.

For her safety, the guards insisted she go to her bedchamber until they cleared the area of any other possible suspects. Elouise obliged. However, as soon as she got there, she teleported to the room Eldon had been taken to. She knew Dr. Rolfe was currently occupied with Arnold. But considering Eldon's condition, she also knew he would want to come by soon.

Elouise checked Eldon's ankle and grimaced at how enlarged it was. The harder she stared, the more she noticed the golden light of his magic was slowly reducing the swelling. She covered it up and moved a chair over to the bedside, where she silently sat until Dr. Rofle arrived.

"Your Highness!" he choked on his own astonishment. "You should not be here! Your father is completely distraught! The only thing keeping him sane was knowing you were safe in your quarters!"

"There is no need to fret," Elouise calmly said to him. "This was not an attempt at my life." She side-eyed Eldon and felt a knot form in her stomach as she imagined what could've happened. Thank the Great Holy Deity for Booker.

"Allow me to take a look at him, Your Highness," Dr. Rolfe suggested, inching closer to the bed.

"No!" Elouise stopped him by gently taking hold of his wrist. "N-No, allow me."

"Oh, I don't mean to offend, Your Highness, but you are not qualified—"

"I am perfectly qualified!" Elouise snatched the small box from his grip. "My mother always tended to my wounds when I was young. I remember how thorough she would be."

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