Chapter Thirty-Seven

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At dawn the next day, Eldon was surprised to find Elouise waiting for him. He ran over, mentally scolding himself for not bringing Snow with him. The mare had still been sleeping, though, and he'd felt bad waking her up to drag her out here.

"And here I thought I was doin' good on time," he jested to Elouise as he got closer.

She whirled around. "I know that I am early, but if I had stayed in bed and stared at the same walls any longer, I would've gone mad."

Eldon tilted his head, eyeing her carefully. "Is everythin' a'right?"

"Is anything ever truly alright?" As if she wasn't already making him worry enough, she began pacing. "I was told yesterday that we are going to the Outlands—to Lord Udolf—next week. We are going where we might possibly be surrounded by the very people who have been threatening us."

"So, you think Haven's group is part of the Interlopers?" Eldon asked.

"I don't want to," she answered, refusing to look at him. "I don't want to think Udolf is a part of this when he willingly agreed to remain at peace with my father. We have to go. Denying his invitation will anger or offend him. And if he is working with those people, he could retaliate."

Eldon made his way over to her and, without much thought, took her hands into his own. Like last time, he felt a wave of calm wash over him. He assumed she did as well, because—softly—she exhaled like all her troubles had disappeared.

"Whether Udolf is or isn't a part of that group, I ain't gonna let him do anythin' to you," Eldon promised. Then a strand of her blew forward near her left eye. Eldon released one of her hands and brushed the piece of hair back behind her ear. She leaned into his touch, and he tensed.

"I know you feel... required to protect me," she told him. "But I still appreciate it."

"No," he whispered, unsure if he could speak any louder. "No, it ain't just 'cause I have to. It's 'cause I want to. I can't let nothin' happen to you." The sudden pounding in his chest was making his breathing shallow, and he hoped she couldn't tell.

Slowly, her lips curled up, and that quickly turned into a wide grin. Eldon bit down on his tongue. He couldn't ignore the way her smile caused the faint lines beneath her eyes to deepen, and how that made his heart swell. He then found himself picking out all the other significant details of her face. The cutest part—if he had to choose—was that black dot near her right eye. The way it just happened to be there was almost like it'd been the work of an artist. A finishing touch on a masterpiece.

"Eldon," Elouise addressed like she didn't already have his full attention. "Perhaps we should get started?" She pulled her other hand free from his grip and turned away, and Eldon snapped out of it.

Eldon dropped his arm at his side. "Yeah, okay," he mumbled. "Whataya wanna start with?"

"The bow," she told him. "That is what I have the most trouble with."

He nodded and reached over his shoulder to retrieve it from underneath his shield.

Elouise accepted it from him. Then she stared at him for a moment before saying, "Thank you for never judging me over... well, over anything. I know that I can be such a mess, but that has never seemed to bother you."

Eldon frowned. "Ellie, I get that yer supposed to look perfect because of yer title, but I think one of the best things 'bout you is that you don't pretend to be someone you ain't. And I ain't gonna judge you for just being you, 'cause I..." he trailed off, considering his next choice of words. "I really like that."

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