F I V E - Helpful Hand

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Happy reading, Sade xx


OPENING the door to her office Charlotte was greeted by Marie sitting on of her chairs as her eyes glittered in curiosity.

"So what was it? A secret grandchild? An underperforming grandchild who they're affraid will taint their family's pristine reputation? Spill."

"Actually, it's no grandchild," replied Charlotte earning a confused look from Marie, "She's making me look after her son!" she barked.

Marie sat with a her mouth slightly open, not saying a word.

"Can we even do that?" asked Marie in a whispernas of this was a some sort of secret. Which to some extent it was.

Charloote sat down heavily and sank into her chair as she informed Marie about the position Isabelle De Luca had offered both her and her son, making sure not to leave out any details.

She knew that words of the contract should not be relayed to the public but she didn't think that telling Marie would be a big deal, she was her assistant after all  and needed to know her whereabouts. Bianca was her best friend, how could you not tell something like this to your best friend ?

"Wow, talk about hands on parenting," Mused Marie.

Charlotte rolled her eyes, not in the mood for Marie's jokes today. Taking a deep breathe she straightened her back and moved some hair behind her ears, "Could you please bring a strong cup of black coffee ?"

She would not allow even the thought of Nicolas De Luca to invade her work space as that was the only time away from she that she has.

NICOLAS' mind was all over the place and the gala was the cause of it. It was currently 4 PM and he had hardly done any real work. How was he expected to bring a date when this stupid contract his mother made him sign all but forbade him from spending time with any one that would not better him in a personal or business aspect.

He let out a frustrated growl, he had much more important things to deal with and all he could currently focus was on the fact that he would arrive stag to an event.

As soon as he buzzed Daisy she appeared in his office, "Daisy, please clear my calendar for the rest of the day I have other things to attend to," he informed her.

He stood up, put on his jacket and walked out of the office in a sour mood.

Charlotte was in the kitchen making herself a cup of tea when Nicolas rushed through the door looking a lot less calm and smug than he did this morning.

She too felt unfocused at the office today and accused it for not sleeping well the previous night due to her unfamiliar surrounding, so she decided to leave work early to acquaint herself with her new home while Nic was out.

"Nicolas, are you feeling alright ?" Charlotte inquired, not because she really wanted to know but wasn't looking after him a part of this job ?

"No as a matter of fact Ms. Stein I am not fine, I am not okay," He announced, "I am expected to show up at an event that I am not prepared for, in approximately 3 hours. I don't know if I even have a pressed tux in my closet. I do not have a date to said event because this absurd contract that my mother drew up basically forbade me from going out on dates. So to answer your question Charlotte, I am not okay."

Nicolas' explosion left Charlotte sitting there with her eyes wide, she definitely didn't expect such an innocent question could arouse such an expressive answer.

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