S I X T E E N - Thoughts, Feelings & Concerns

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Happy reading, Sade xx


WHEN Max finally took his leave, Charlotte stood frozen in the middle of the living room with a glazed look etched across her face. After a moment of just looking at her, Nicolas took a step closer to break her out of the trance seemed to be in but he wasn't quick enough as just then Charlotte suddenly barrelled down the hallway to what he assumed was her room.

Women are so odd, he thought to himself as he checked the time. It was nearing the afternoon, so he had a couple of hours to kill before they had to be at his childhood home. He didn't know how to really feel about having Charlotte there. He had never brought a girl home before, so Nicolas wasn't very aware of the protocol to follow. Sure he's had his fair share of what he would label flings, not being with them for long enough to call it a relationship. 

Theoretically, she doesn't really fall in that category of 'a girl' in this particular situation; he meant from a romantic perspective if you want to get technical with it. They would have to act affectionately towards one another if not; his family would start suspecting that they were just pretending.

The whole fake girlfriend stunt he pulled was becoming a lot more complicated as the seconds ticked on. Nicolas wasn't sure why but as soon as he started to notice the various eyes around the room start gravitating towards Charlotte, the green hand of jealousy slowly crept over his shoulder and the words spilled out of his mouth before his brain could process what was being said. He has always been the possessive type but never to the extent of publicly claiming a woman as his girlfriend. That too a woman he barely knew! It was quite irritating that he seemed to find himself in this type of situation right now. He was sitting in his office looking over the cityscape pondering over a relationship with a woman that he was not even in a real relationship with. Did that even make sense? Honestly, his mind was fogged.

He glanced at the clock on the wall and had to do a double take. Nearly 3 hours had passed by and he'd literally been doing nothing but think about his 'situation-ship' with Charlotte!

What pathetic behaviour! 

He thought to himself as he made his way to his room to get ready for the evening.

Charlotte on the other hand was going through a crisis of her very own. She had absolutely no idea what she was going to wear! She stood there walking back and forth in front of her closet still dressed in her bathing gown and hair wrapped up in a towel since she came out of the shower which was well over an hour ago. 

She stepped before the mirror and flung her hands upon frustration, "What is the matter with you? You've successfully managed to dress yourself for the last 20+ years of your life. What's different about today?"

Great!  She thought she was now turning into a crazy person talking to herself.

Maybe she should...No, no, no, get that thought out if your mind. Charlotte quite dramatically threw herself onto the bed in exasperation. 

"Why was this so haaaard?" She whined to the empty room. Having had enough of this unnecessary back and forth in her mind she decided to take her current predicament to the root of the issue.

Charlotte had burst into his room like a wild wind, holding a pile of clothing in her hands and just dropped them onto his bed after letting out an overly dramatic sigh.

Not noticing that he had just stepped out of his bathroom with nothing, but a towel wrapped around his waist. He raised his eyebrows and gave her a puzzled look.

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