T W O - Mama Knows Best

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Happy reading, Sade xx


WHEN Charlotte woke up the next morning she felt ready to take on whatever task Isabelle threw at her. She stood before the floor length mirror and gave her appearance a final check.

Charlotte opted for a simple black dress that reached her knees. The fabric molded against her body perfectly, accentuating her figure, it had a criss-cross bodice and thick straps. Pointed heels, her gold watch that her grandmother had given her as a graduation gift and a swipe of cranberry coloured lipstick completed her overall look.

She got into her charcoal VW Beetle and took her mobile out of her purse to double check the address that Isabelle had sent her, noticing it was on the more upscale part of town, of course it was. Did she honestly think that such an influential family would live in a simple two storey home?

With the destination in mind Charlotte took a sip of her coffee, slotted the key into the ignition, and the engine of her little car roared to life and she was on her way.

PULLING up to a tall, glass building that required her to strain her neck in order to take in the entire view, she stepped into the lobby and was making her way towards the elevators when a doorman stepped before her.

"Excuse me miss, could I help you ?" he asked politely.

"Yes, I'm meeting Mrs. De Luca on the 47th floor." She replied.

"That would be the penthouse" he said while leading her towards a different elevator, "This one goes directly up."

Thanking him she stepped into the metal box and pressed one of the three buttons on the control panel.

Charlotte was about to knock on the massive, dark wooden door in front of her when suddenly it was whipped open. Out stepped a tall man, wearing a gray suit and talking rapidly on the phone, taking no notice of her.

The stranger turned and gave her a confused look.

"Hello, my name is Charlotte Stein," She said adding a smile.

"Oh yes," said the man gesturing for her to walk inside his apartment, "You must be the new maid."

"Maid?" Charlotte asked with extreme confusion, "I am not a maid" she stated.

The man shared her look of confusion, "Uh, were you hired by my brother Max?" he asked quietly.

"And why would your brother hire me?" Charlotte said, realizing that the man before her was none other than Nicolas De Luca.

"Hire you for you know..." His voice trailed off as he shifted his head to the side.

Charlotte gasped loudly, realizing what he meant. She closed her eyes tightly,

"I beg your pardon I am not a prostitute! And if you think for a second th-" her rant was interrupted by the ding of the elevator. Both heads turned in the direction of the noise only for Mrs. De Luca to walk out.

"Great! The two of you have met," she clapped her hands together.


"Mrs. De Luca."

Said both Charlotte and Nicolas at the same time, while Isabelle waved them off, crossing the threshold and walking into the apartment soon followed by Nicolas.

"Charlotte dear, come on inside' Isabelle called from within.

Charlotte stepped into Nicolas' apartment and was greeted by sophisticatedly dressed interior. The wall on the far side of what she could make out was the living room was made entirely out of glass, which framed the most spectacular view of the city that she's ever witnessed. The whole placed seemed to have a navy blue, white and silver colour scheme.

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