S E V E N T E E N - A Family Affair

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Before I 'begin' -



Happy reading, Sade xx


THEY heard a loud crash which caused them both to still in the middle of the entryway. A flash of purple fluff soon appeared within in his periferal and Nicolas immediately knew what or rather who it was. As she neared closer Nic bent down and scooped up his little niece which caused her to erupt in a fit of giggles.

"Little girl, what did you do now?" He asked as he shifted her in his arms.

His question was met with round, blue Bambi-like eyes, "No zio!" She explained as she cupped his face, "It wasn't me! Promise!" She quickly added.

"Pfft...you're such a tattletale," Max said rolling his eyes at his niece Alessandra as he strolled into the foyer.

"Actually," Charlotte stated causing the little girl to stretch her neck to see who was speaking, "She didn't even make a mention of you. How does it feel to throw yourself under the bus?"

"Not even officially a part of this family but already picking sides," Max said feigning hurt, "Are you sure you want to marry a traitorous woman?"

"WE'RE NOT GOING TO GET MARRIED!" They both exclaimed simultaneously while their head turned to each other.

"Who's not getting married?" Marco's voice was heard from a distance away and shortly after he rounded the corner. Upon seeing her dad Allie was quick to jump out of Nicolas's arms to hide behind her father's leg.

"Well that's what Nicolas and Charlotte are saying now but we'll see what type of tune they both sing in a couple of months when they're both standing at the end of the aisle holding hands and saying 'I do'."


"Stop it!"

"Geez you don't need to bite my head off," Max said with a smirk. Almost as if that was the exact reaction he expected from the two.

With a roll of his eyes, Nicolas lead Charlotte down one of the passageways to where she assumed his mother would be. The walls of the corridor were delicately decorated with expressive art pieces and family photos. Not the pretentious 'everyone sitting down with expressionless faces to show others how wealthy we are kind' but more candid snaps taken at the perfect moments.

They made their way into the kitchen and saw Isabelle flitting around getting the various dishes she decided to prepare for dinner ready. The countertops were littered with ingredients. Used spoons and knives, various jars and spices with lids open. Stainless steel pots shining under the kitchen lights bubbling with sauce, the aroma coming from the kitchen was absolutely heavenly.

It was almost comical how domesticated his mother appeared in this moment. Her hair was tied up in a neat bun and clad in an apron covered in fresh food stains. He could picture his mother wiping her hands on it every few minutes as she cooked. Even though she loved being in the kitchen, she couldn't stand having her hands being dirty and had a habit of either washing or wiping them down after every task she performed.

ISABELLE was not going to deny it. Her kitchen was an absolute mess but she couldn't help it, she tended to over cater whenever her children came to visit her. Sue her, she was excited!

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