T W E L V E - The Ship Has Sailed

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Happy reading, Sade xx


THE DRIVE to the restaurant seemed to take longer than Charlotte had initially expected. It could have been the traffic on the road or it could've been the increase in her body temperature every time she felt Nicolas's eyes shift from the road to her.

Who knows?

She tried disregarding it but doing so was easier said than done when they were in the confined space of the two seater sports car.

As they neared Fiorino, their location for lunch. She spotted a small group of paparazzi loitering around the entrance which instantly put her on edge. She hated being the centre of attention.

Nicolas pulled up to the valet. Seeing the cameras in front of the faces of the people who were steadily making their way towards them. Sensing a change in the atmosphere, he turned towards her, reaching over to gently grasp her slightly trembling hand into his, giving it a tight squeeze.

"Don't worry," he reassured, "They're only allowed as far as the entrance, not further."

Handing over the keys to the valet attendant Nic waltzed over to the other side of the car, not taking any notice of the sudden crowd which had gathered around them to open her door and extended his hand to assist her out of the car. The sound of shutters of going off at erratic paces, lights being flashed and a multitude of questions thrown at them was heightened as she made her way out of the vehicle. With their hands connected the pair hastily made their way inside.

Walking into the restaurant it felt as if Charlotte could finally release the breath she was unaware she was holding. As cliché as it may sound, it felt like everyone paused their meals and conversations to stare at the two as they made their way towards their table which Isabelle was already seated at. She subconsciously adjusted her blouse and hair.

Obviously they'd be staring. Have you seen Nicolas?

The uneasiness seemed to return, almost creeping up her spine like a crawling insect. But then it was back, the heat of his hand at the base of her back seemed to banish the uncomfortable feeling.

ISABELLE put all of the acting skills she possessed to the test as she tried to hold in her excited grin as she saw Nicolas and Charlotte coming towards her, instead she went for an small smile.

It was as if her heart leaped from joy as she saw Nicolas escorting Charlotte into the restaurant. His face seemed neutral but when she looked to his eyes, she saw them holding a protective gaze. It was a look she recognised well but there seemed to be something more behind those orbs.

Standing up she welcomed the pair to the table, Nic leaning in to give her a small peck on the cheek and Charlotte opting for a small nod of acknowledgment.

"So how has life been now that the two are a couple?" Isabelle inquired in an amused tone.

It was back, the anxiety Charlotte felt earlier was back.

Gosh! She was so busy trying to overcome the whole media debacle that she didn't even take a moment to think about what his family, or more importantly, his mother would think!

"Mrs. De Luca," she started, "I can see how you would view this whole situation as problematic. Obviously, we did not expect the press to completely twist this ordeal into something that it is clearly not." Charlotte quickly explained.

Isabelle let out a soft chuckle, "Sweetheart, I am well aware of how storied are painted in the media so you don't need to explain yourself to me Charlotte. It is also my understanding that you weren't exactly the one who started this rumour." She said as she threw a pointed look at Nic.

"Anyway, that isn't the reason I asked to speak to the both of you."

Okay...so she wasn't here to be yelled at or fired. So the question remained: why was she here?

"There is something I think you should be aware of," Isabelle announced looking straight at Nicolas, "Your nonna knows."

Nicolas groaned in irritation. Instantly comprehending what his mother was referring to as he ran a hand through his hair. Effectively making it messier and increasing his allure to the opposite sex.

Not the time for that Charlotte! She scolded herself in her mind.

"How does a 74-year-old woman who lives in the middle of the Italian countryside manage to gain access to information this quick?"

"People talk." Simply replied Charlotte.

"That they do," sighed Isabelle, "That isn't all."

"Of course it's not," Nicolas murmured.

"Nonna has also changed her mind regarding her birthday."

Uh-oh, thought Charlotte. She could tell the seemingly harmless statement delivered a lot more bite to it.

"She has now decided that her 75th year of being alive on this earth should be celebrated. By all. Therefore planning has begun for her self-proclaimed 'bash of the year' in which she passively demands the attendance of everybody."

"Meraviglioso," he huffed, voice drenched in sarcasm.

Charlotte sat there confused, her eyes moving between the pair. Was this what Isabelle wanted to discuss with them? And why does this information seem so important? It was just a birthday party. Right...?

"That sounds like fun doesn't it?" she asked trying to lift the tense atmosphere which now clouded the table.

Nicolas quickly shot her a perplexed look.

"If you label spending a week in the same house as your entire family 'fun', then sure. It's about to be an absolute blast!" He deadpanned as she rolled her eyes at his sarcastic behaviour.

"It won't be that bad. I mean when was the last time you spent some quality time with the ones closest to you?" she asked rhetorically, "trust me, you going to enjoy yourself."

"Yeah, we are," he said looking directly at her, which she only returned with more confusion, "we're going to enjoy ourselves. Together." He emphasised.

It took her a moment but she now understood what he was insinuating, "I'm not going with you." She stated.

"Charlotte, sweetheart, you don't seem to be following," Isabelle tried to explain, "Nonna has obviously changed her mind about the party because she got wind that Nicky was seeing someone."

That was when the panic set in. Her eyes widened, palms starting dampen and her breathing increases.

"Mama!" he exclaimed, "Now you're making her freak out."

"Sweetheart, calm down," Isabelle soothed in a calm voice, "It won't be an issue, just breathe. We'll all be there."

"How am I going to look your grandmother in the eyes and lie to her?" she thought out loud while taking in large gulps of air.

Isabelle held her hand and gave it a sympathetic stroke.

"It's not that big of a deal, I mean it's just a little lie." Nic

The looks that he received from the ladies sitting on the other side of the table told him that it would probably be in his best interest to be silent.

And that's exactly what he did.


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