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Johns' P.O.V

Ok, so let me start from the beginning, my name is John Laurens. I'm gay and just moved to Colonial highschool. My life has been pretty tough, but I got through it!

So when I moved to Colonial, I instantly made a friend, Margarita "Peggy" Schuyler, she's very nice, kind, sweet, intelligent, and hardworking! But I'm gay sooo... Y'Know..

One morning Peggy suggested to go to a party, and out of all the people, it had to be Jefferson hosting it. I wasn't surprised when she said there would be drugs and alcohol.

"Peggy for the last time, I am not going to Jeffershits party!" I argued, "But John!" Peggy began, "I am being forced to go by Eliza and Angelica, but I don't want to be alone!" she said, "Plus, do you know how'll be there?" she asked, "Who?" I asked curious, "Alexander Hamilton." She stated Alexander Hamilton? She knows my weakness. Alexander was a popular guy who was smart and hot[A/N:SorryIHadTo--], "Fine! I'll go!" I said giving up. My dad would care less if I went to a party with drugs and alcohol.

So, now here I am, at Jeffershits party, alone in a corner. Peggy decided to ditch me a few minutes ago for Maria Lewis [A/N: Maria's last name is Lewis since she isn't married to Reynolds yet, but it's historically her last name before marrying Reynolds] so now here I am. People would come by and complement my outfit, which is a overall dress[A/N:idk what they're called] a pink sweater underneath, colorful leggings, a beanie, my hair in its usual ponytail with a red bow, and my hair covering my left eye.

I was about to go find Peggy so I could tell her that I was going to leave, until someone sat down on the couch next to me, "The party is pretty boring, isn't is?" The guy asked, that's when I turned to see Alexander Hamilton. My face was now dusted with pink, "Yeah.." I managed to choke out.

Alexander looked at my outfit, "Oh yeah, I wanted to say this at school but never had a chance to, are you trans or..?" He asked, "I think I should be able to know your name, and you should be able to know my name before I can answer that question" I admitted. I obviously knew his name, but wanted to sound like those girls in series and movies where they pretend that the popular kid doesn't exist. Alexander looked at me, "Well if you must know my name is Alexander Hamilton, You can call me Alex though. And you're Johm Laurens, the new kid? We have every single class together Jackie! How can you not know my name?" He asked, "I don't pay attention in class, I just draw turtles." I admitted, "That's cute, can I see your drawings?" I blushed when he complemented me, "Sure, but my notebook is in Peggy's car. So you'll have to wait" I said.

He nodded and then asked, "So you're not trans?" I shook my head, "Nope, I'm gay and have a sense of fashion" I admitted, "Gay?" He asked, "Y-Yeah.." I said stuttering, imagine that, telling the popular kid in school you're gay. His eyes got wide, "That's awesome!" He exclaimed, "I-It is?" I asked, "Yeah, I'm bi." He said, "Really? That's awesome!" I said.

'Even though he's not straight it doesn't mean he likes you, John'
I thought, I tried to not look as disappointed as I was, "So, do you want a drink?" He asked, "Like as alcohol?" I asked. He nodded, "Aren't we too young to be drinking? We're only in Junior" I pointed out. He shrugged, "You can go and get a drink but I am not going to jail tonight" I said, "Plus I think Eliza wants to talk to you" I added on. Eliza was at the drink table glaring at me, she had a blue dress on and blue heels. Alex would definitely choose her over me..

Alex looked at her and groanded, "Yeah probably, it was nice talking to you, John. I'll see you around?" He said, I smiled and giggled "Sure"

Word count: 707

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