{3}Jealous Eliza.

172 12 16

-When Pegs and Lams got back home-

Eliza's P.O.V

I came back home a hour late, but farther and mother were both asleep, I knew Peggy would be snitch and tell them so, I quickly scribbled a letter down
„Sorry I came home late, love ya!

I smiled and set the letter down, it was all going good, until I heard giggling. I saw Peggy taking a picture of Alexander kissing John's cheek, I felt tears sting my eyes. No! He didn't like the fag! I loved me and only me!! I was about to go and tell at them, until I had an idea.

I went into my room and waited for Peggy, Alex, and John to fall asleep. Once I was sure that they did, I went into the room, I borrowed John's phone and typed in his dad's number into my own phone.

*Present time*

I woke up and heard John yelling. I rolled my eyes, I've never liked John and now I hate him, he is stealing M Y Alexander. I wouldn't allow it! I clenched my fist.

“If my first plan won't work, I'll have my other plan ready.” I mumbled as I smirked. I heard Peggy take a picture and John and Alex, screaming her name. Perfect!

Once Alex and John left, father stood up, I smiled. He must've gotten the letter, “Margarita.” Father said, Peggy looked at him, “Yeah dad?” She asked, I rolled my eyes, Peggy always calles him dad, never father. I don't know why, but I found it annoying. “Why did you return past the time I told you to come back?” He asked.

Everything was going great! Until Angelica spoke up, “Peggy didn't write that dad” She said. Father looked shocked “Then who did?” he asked. Angelica looked at me, “Eliza did.” She said as she smiled, “I did not!” I yelled as I slammed my fist on the table, “Elizabeth Schuyler!” Mother yelled. “Why didn't you throw away the paper?” Father asked, “I wanted to see how far the cold hearted creature would take it.” She said, then I stood up and left.

I passed by Peggys room and saw her phone their, I quickly took pictures of Alex and John. I smiled, I went back to my room, I was sitting on my bed and then the door closed. “You really think you'll get away with it?” I looked up and saw Angelica, “What do you want?” I asked annoyed, “Give me your phone.” she said, “What-- Why?!” I yelled, “Like it or not, Alexander loves John, you won't hurt John or ruin their relationship.” She said, “You bitch!” I yelled, “Alex does not like the fag! He loves me! I will prove it! And John, haven't you heard why he moves schools?” I asked. She looked shocked, “Because he's known as a slut! And his father lied about his suicide.” I said with a smirk.

Angelica got out of the room, “Take it that far, and boy you'll regret it.” Was what she said before leaving, I rolled my eyes

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What are these and where did you get them?

Me: If you must know sir, they are pictures of your son, with another guy. I got them from my sisters phone.



Word count: 568

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