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Homophobic slurs and abuse.

If it triggers you, skip until '******'

*Johns' P.O.V*

I walked home, I felt as if something bad was going to happen. I shook the feeling away. I got to the house I hesitated, but opened the door. 

Henry was sitting on the couch, I don't call him dad..He doesn't deserve the title. He stood and I can see him holding a bottle of beer. I begin to tremble. He took out his phone, I could've ran to my room but that'll make the punishment worse. I stood still, he put his phone on the coffee table, I couldn't believe what I just saw. I could only remember the last and worse one. 

Before I could speak he slapped me. I touched my cheek were he had slapped me, I winced, "You're a fucking fag! It's your fault that your mother died." He shouted, "Oh so all of a sudden it's MY  fault that she got into a car accident because YOU were drunk?" I shoot back. He slaps me again, this time it's hard enough for me to fall to the floor. He began to kick me, "And what have I told you about wearing that? Gosh, You're a fucking fag!" He shouted, I scoffed "At least I'm no child abuser!" I shot back, "Get out of my site." I smiled "gladly."  I stood up and left. 

I felt my phone vibrate, I took it out and checked the message


Unknown: This John or did pegs give me a fake number?

John: This is John, who dis?

Unknown: Alexander.

John:In that case, this is Jefferson.

Unknown: :(

John: I'm joking.

Unknown: :)

John has changed your name to Alex

Alex has changed your name to Jack

Jack: Why Jack?

Alex has changed your name to Jackie

Jackie: NOooOO

Alex: Too bad.

Jackie: :(

Alex: Sorry princesses that isn't changing mah mind.

Jackie: Ew


Jackie: "princesses" Gross

Alex: AW c'mon

Jackie: I'm gonna block you 

Alex: Ok ok sorry, yEsH---

Jackie :)


Word count: 317

A/N: Yeah, Imma update all mah books

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