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Johns P.O.V

I woke up being hugged by someone, but also with a terrible headache..Did I..Did I drink? 

I managed to slip out of the arms of....Who? I turned to the person that was hugging me, once I was up...Holy..Shiz..It was The Alexander Hamilton. I blushed and felt like a tomato.

I saw the door slightly open. That's odd, Peggy's still asleep and she always closes it completely. Shes scared that a serial killer might kill her. [A/N:One of mah fears..;-;]

I shrugged it off.. But then I rushed over to the restroom and began to throw up.. Yep I drank. Wait..My dad! I shook Peggy up, “PegLeg!My Dad!!!” I shouted, Alex and Pegs woke up, “Calm down..I told him everything while you were drooling over Alex.” “Was not.” I argued
“Were too!”
“Was not!”
“I ship you two so KISS!!” she shouted, “Pegs, ShUsH!!” I shushed her. She rolled her eyes and then off of her bed. “Now excuse my language gentlemen, but, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!” She demanded.
Me and Alex were in the hallway, “Soooo, Peggy technically demanded that we should kiss,” He began “Soooo??” he asked. “I--” I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I blushed. This was happening and he was sober..I kissed back. Everything was fine, until a flash ruined it.


Word count: 239

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