{2} Drinks

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John's P.O.V

It had been a hour and I was on my phone. I felt someone sit down, I ignored them, that was until they put a arm around my shoulder, “What'cha playing Jackie?” The obviously drunk person asked, wait..His voice, I turned to see Alex, “Oh-- um..N-Nothing, just a t-turtle game.” I stuttered out, “Turtles?”
“Yeah, they're adorable! I love them, don't know why... But back to why they're ador-” I was cut off by Alex, “Not the turtles, you.” He said, my whole face turned red, “Th-Thanks..” I stuttered again. I saw Eliza glaring at me, I looked down. He handed me his cup, I looked up at him confused, “Drink some!”
“Is it alcohol?”
“Then no.”
“Whhhy? Peggy can take you to her house, that's what she does to me” I shook my head, “Nope!” I said popping the ‘p’.

He continued to beg until I finally gave in, “Alright, Alright!” I drank the liquid, it kinda burned, but it tastes good..I guess? I drank the whole cup, then another, and another, and another. Until Peggy stopped me, “John, that's enough, I'll just call you're dad.”, then my phone rang, what a coincidence. Peggy picked up, “Hello, Mr. Laurens, yes this is Peggy Schuyler. Yes your son is with me, is he drunk?” Peggy turned to me, “HELL YEAH I AM!” I yelled, Peggy shook her head, “Yes your son, is completely drunk. Yes, he'll stay at my house and go home after school, thank you. Yes, I'll take good care of him sir. Yes, of course.. Uhm. Yes, thank you sir. Have a goodnight.” She shook her head, “What a douche” She said.

It was about twelve o' clock and Peggy shoved both me and Alex Into her four person car.

Peggy's P.O.V[oooh a new one--]

I drove home with a completly drunk John and a Half-Sober Alex. How drunk was John? He could barely walk.

So when I finally made it home, both me and Alex agreed that he would carry him. John was giggling like a kindergartener, that was given a bag of oreos and M&M's. Hey, I can't judge 'em, Oreos and M&M's are life!!

I saw John being carried by Alex and could only think of one thing,
They are my new OTP. Lamilton? Nah to long, Lams? Perfect!

I saw John and Alexander both smile, I took my chances and took a picture not bothering to take off the flash, “And saved as lock screen!” I announced, “Really PegLeg, you didn't even bother taking off the flash?” Alex asked, clearly annoyed, “I didn't need to, it's my OTP!” I said, “Otp?” he asked, “One true pair!” I said. Both of them flushed red.

“Shush, just let Peggy the shipping goddess, SHIIIP” I said. Alex rolled his eyes and John kept on giggling. I grew annoyed with his giggling, “John if Alex kisses your cheek, well you shut up?” I asked, John nodded, Alex looked redder than a ripe tomato! He quickly kissed his cheek, when we made it to my room. Alex set John down and layed down next to him, I layed on my bed.

They both instantly fell asleep, and so did I. But before I did I took a picture of them hugging each other while asleep

“Yep, OTP.” I mumbled, then I turned around and dozed off.


Word count: 579

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