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In Unova, there is a tradition where the elite four out on a ball for all the Unovan people who wish to attend. For you and your best friends, it was the best time of your lives. It was also the time for you all to play Cupid with a certain klutzy blonde who refuses to admit she has feelings for a certain gym leader~

So you, Bianca, and White were going to meet Black and Cheren there. You three already arrived to the party and found yourself losing yourselves in the party. Cheren? You don't know him! Since when does someone name their child 'black'!? You were just here to have some fun! Just like every year.

But then you caught sight of a man you haven't seen here before. You're heart decides to do a triple summersault in your chest and your face explodes like a fire type's inferno. You grabbed White by the wrist and pulled her away from whatever friends she was chatting with. The flat chested female pouted at you.

"Hey! What gives!?"

You rotated her to face mystery man. You pointed to him and looked back at her. Give her time. Processing, processing. Okay, she seemed to recognize him. That was good! Who was mister tall dark and handsome?

"Who is he?"

White smirked. She gave you the sideways glance that said "someone seems interested~" you rolled your eyes. She placed her hands on her hips. With a sigh and a sassy attitude, she finally explained who the guy was.

"That is elite four Grimsley. He is the dark type specialist of Unova and happens to be baws at poker. What? Are you calling dibs?"

You crossed your arms with a smug grin on your face. Your look said everything. White snickered as she rose her hands up and backed up. You had dibs. She happened to back up into an old friend named N. They started interacting and you looked back at Mystery man. You wanted him. 

Getting closer, trying to subtly get his attention, you managed to get a good look at him. Pale skin, black suit, makes a girl want to WOO HOO! But this isn't Sims City, it was a fanfiction. And you were going to get this love at first sight man no matter how hard you have to work to catch his eye.

Okay, five minutes pass and you already give up. From when you went on your own journey as a kid, you saw a friend. More like one of the only gyms you managed to beat first try. You could spot that fashionista photographer from a mile away. You waved out to him.

"Hey Burgh!"

The bug type leader from Castelia City saw you and happily skipped over. He was like your sister! Well, Gay brother. He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on both cheeks. You know, like those classy Kalos people do. You returned the action.

"Oh it's so lovely to see you! It's been forever (Nickname)!"

Burgh took your hand and twirled you around, causing him to hear that giggle he remembers so clearly. Once you were stabilized he noticed how you're face was completely red. He could hear your heart thudding. Oh dear. Who was his precious sister not sister crushing on this time?!

"Hey! Do you know how I can get to a certain dark type elite four?"

You were bouncing on your feet, excited. You didn't catch Burgh wilting a little bit because his smile was still in place. Burgh just chuckled, placing his hand on your head and giving you an anime head pat.

"Lucky you, He's an old friend. I can get you two set up faster than you can beat me in battle~"

And he openly accepts that your scorching fire types can whoop his ass any day. Honesty. That's a cinema win. You squealed and watched as he went over to the crush at first sight, extremely mysterious and sexy, Grimsley of the Elite four. Burgh grabbed him by the arm and smiled. 

Oh shit. Wait, hold up. Did you really want to do this so fast!? Wow this sure escalated quickly. Oh no, were you sweating? You had an awkward smile wiped over your lips as he looked over. His combalt blue eyes pierced your soul and you felt like you were going to swoop right then and there.

You were down right helpless, down for the count and drowning in them. I mean, come on. Look at those eyes! He was so dreamy! You were on the verge of fangirling when his lips curled into a satisfied smirk. He and Burgh walked back over to you. You were on cloud nine. You haven't spoken to the guy and you were head over heels! Man, was this cliché or what? Oh damn! He was close! Uh, crap. You curtseyed with your luckily flowing skirt.

"(Your name) (Last name), it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

You took his slender hand and kissed it. Why? Because you slender can. Also he seemed like one of the gentlemanly type and you were nervous, okay!? He seemed flattered by the action so that was good. Burgh was dying inside but he was fine. Sisters before Misters amirite?

"(Your name)... Burgh isn't that the name of your friend you love to talk about?"

Wait, he knew you!? You owed Burgh BIG TIME for this one! You had this wide grin you couldn't control no matter how hard you tried. You were playing with your fingers as a fidget. Hey, it was thst or doing the dainty hair twirling! You were bouncing on the edge of your feet in anticipation.

"Yes, yes it is Grimsley."

Grimsley looked you up and down. You certainly seemed quite nervous. You were a pretty one too. From the stories Burgh told him, you were quite the woman. Headstrong, confident, fun, daring, yet you could also be compassionate, caring, gentle, sweet. The perfect woman and wife from explication. Perhaps you would be fun to get to know?

"I'll leace you to it!"

Burgh his his voice crack as he walked away painfully. His heart was aching but he knew this was for the best. He watched from afar as Grimsley asked of your hand and led you into the upcoming slow dance. He always was the kind of gentleman to sweep women off their feet without trying... and him. 

You were dancing and talking with Pretty Boy. Oh man, he was so handsome up close! Just look at him! Slick raven hair, moisturized raven skin, twitter logo blue eyes... his hands were so slender, so perfectly fitting with your own. His skinny frame was able to tower you and guide you, much better than overpowering you. 

"So, I've heard you quit gym battles? That's a shame. We could have met Sooner."

Oh, so he was interested in your personal affairs? That's fine. But it makes you wonder how much Burgh really told this man. You chuckled to yourself, thinking back to it. It's kind of  funny story. Nah, not really.

"Oh. That. Well my parents got divorced and my mother moved away to Sinnoh. You know, like a sissy. I stuck with my father for a while since he didn't have anyone else in the house. We decided to adopt two little siblings named Aaron and Alex. Since he didn't need me anymore I left on my own again. Simple."

Grimsley nodded, the story becoming interesting. He spun you around and watched you light up when you were twirled around. You ended up back against him, in his arms. You then took it within yourself to turn the tables and spin yourself out and back to normal. He couldn't help but giggle at how you weren't scared to take hold of the dance for yourself. After you were back to normal position you looked in his eyes deeply. Those intellegent eyes.

"If I gave you my number, would you want to see me again?"

With a chuckle Grimsley led you off the dance floor and took out his X Transceiver. He opened up the contacts for you to add your number and he handed it to you. He watched a light enter your eyes and a smile spread over your lips as you punched in the didgets with speedy thumbs. You gave him back the device and he puts it away. He then pulls you by the hand and kisses your cheek.

"Until next time, My Queen."

With that, Grimsley dissapeared back in the crowd. You couldn't find him after that, but you did get a text from him confirming his number for your contacts. You were giddy for the whole rest of the night. Since Bianca was busy with Cheren and White was busy with N, you rented about the whole thing and fangirlied with Burgh.

He really was like your best brother. Best friend/Brother fusion word. 

Best of Wives and Best of Women [Grimsley x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now