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Grimsley lost everything. He lost his job. He lost (most) his Pokemon, he lost his best friend, and lost his wife, literally everything he cared about was ripped from him and regurgitated in his face. Well, at least he has Scrafty, right? It can't  get any worse, right?


His daughter walked in with his Leipard following her. In her arms was her Purrloin. She had a straight face, a mad face. Her piercing eyes cut through to Grimsley. Grinsley put his hands over his mouth. He caused this. His daughter being so upset. So... so... he can't even say it. He wouldn't dare say it. It was his fault.

"Daddy, uh, Mister Grimsley. You should leave. Forever."

No. No. No... this was his fault. His daughter wants him gone. Scrafty walked into the room and saw Leipard there. Leipard snarled at him for choosing Grimsley's side. Scrafty put the plate with the sandwich back in the counter and walked over to a perfect sneaking place to overhear what was going on.


"NO! You will NOT call me any pet names any more! I don't want you to call my name either! You will no longer address me and you will no longer stay in Unova! All you do by staying here is keep me and Mom away from home!"

Grimsley was being kicked out. Not by his wife, but his daughter. She didn't have a single tear running down her face. Not a smidge of remorse was shown on her face. She was stern and mad. If you think a thirteen year old girl in your universe is stubborn, you have no idea what this girl had in her.

"You betrayed our family so you make up for it by getting the heck out of here! Don't you get it, Da- sir!? We don't want nor need you any more! Scram!"

Such sharp words from someone so, so dear to him. Grimsley couldn't move. It was as If someone Paralyzed him, and he had no Paralyze heal. Leipard and Purrloin both hissed a time the former elite four. His daughter scowled at him. Grimsley didn't know what to do. He had nothing left to do. He was just moving around here with the old photos and belongings of yours. No use staying around here any more.

"You're right. I'll pack my bags. The house will be yours again in the Morning."

Grimsley's raspy voice reached the young teen. She relaxed her posture and crossed her arms, watching the depressed man stand up and weakly walk over to the counter. Right where Scrsfty put the sandwich. He looked at it and walked right past it. He doesn't need to eat. He isn't hungry. Eight days and he still isn't hungry. Or is it eight? It might be a few more. Twelve.

"I'll give you until seven, then you best be gone for good. I never want to see you in my region or near my mom again."

Grimsley nodded with a sigh of defeat, accepting his own daughter's terms. He expected her to be more distraught like you, but no. She was strict, mean, angry, and lashing out at him. Of course. He deserved to be lashed out at. He did a terrible thing. And it was all his fault.

All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. All his fault. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. He did this to himself. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him. Nobody loves him.

"You deserve this, sir."

Grimsley sat down at a chair after he got himself a tall glass of water. He took out a coke, her favorite, and offered it to her. Saltily, she snatched it out of his hands and drank it. She noticed Grimsley had a small smile on his face. Oh no. That's not happening.

"And don't you dare smile at me. You aren't worthy of smiling. You deserve to burn. You deserve to die."

She barked at him. Grimsley's smile fell. In that one small moment his daughter was just how he remembered her. Soft, enjoying, calm, drinking a coke with her Dad in the room. He missed being called Daddy by her or Dear by his wife. He missed it. But this was all his fault. He asked for this when Karen came into the house that day.

"Seven in the morning, you're gone."

With that, she slammed the door and left Grimsley alone again. Back to himself in the big wide house. He never even saw her leave the kitchen, but she was Gone. Leipard And Purrloin too. The only one who wasn't gone was Scrafty, who walked up to Grimsley with a worried expression. Grimsley patted his head.

"Don't worry buddy, we'll be fine. I'm sure I can scrape a few funds to get us somehwere. Maybe where I should have went this whole time...."

He should have just went to Alola on vacation in the first place.

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