♦️That Would Be Enough♦️

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You happily were tidying up the house. You were expecting and three months pregnant. You were actually waiting for his birthday or Father's Day to reveal you were pregnant. But with the bump in your belly it was hard to lie to him. It was actually a good thing for once that he was always at work in the Pokémon league.

So you were dusting the bookshelves when you heard the door open. Well, he wasn't supposed to be back so early. With a wide smile you turned around with a duster in hand. Grinsley seems distressed. He had his angry eyebrows and a frown over his pale lips. Oh no, who made him mad this time? You would burn them with your Houndoom!

"How long have you known?"

Grimsley growled out, regaining his composure. His eyes weren't locked with you our own, but focused intently on your larger midriff. Someone told him. Dang it Shauntal! You thought you told her and Caitlyn it was going to tell him on a special occasion! Well, it was kind of obvious.

"Three months or so." 

You shrugged it off with a smile, turning around to finish your job. Grimsley scoffed at your stubbornness. He walked behind you and slipped the sister out from your hand and threw it behind him to the ground. He embraced you from behind, feeling your stomach for hints at his child. He placed his chin on your shoulder, giving you a side gaze to actually see you.

"(Your name), you should have told me."

You giggled and reached your hand over to place it on Grimsley's Head. He closed his eyes and started humming. Oh dear, waht could your husband be doing now? He took your hands and turned you around, entwining your fingers. A soft smile on his lips and his aquamarine eyes opened again and gazing at to lovingly.

"No matter. Now I know my precious wife is having a precious child."

You giggled and let him pull you closer. He started waltzing with you, even though your gut was already super big. You giggled and let him lead you... this time. Grimsley was being a gentleman, which was just Grimselt being himself. The dark type master stepped back, so you stepped forward to mirror. Left, right. Forward, back. Back, Forward. Right, Left. Step by step by step. 

Your eyes stayed locked together. Smiles on both of your faces. Bodies pressed together lovingly. Warm breath on your head and on his chest. For moments like this, some people wait a whole lifetime. Just small moments of bliss. A busy, cunning, slender man with his precious pregnant wife. Someone write a fanfiction! Wait....

"Grim? I love you."

Grinsley stopped. Even though you two were married for st least a couple of years, the mystical L word isn't thrown around the house too often. Also the nickname he didn't like so much before but adores now still hasn't quite settled in. He chuckled with his deep, velvety voice before pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you too, My Queen of Hearts."

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