♥️♣️♦️♠️Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story♠️♦️♣️♥️

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Let me tell you what I wish I've known, when I was young and dreamed of glory, you have no control who lives who dies who tells your story.


Grimsley Smith was born in Castilia City to a single mother who got pregnant by accident. After five years, she had to give him up to the orphanage. While living there he made money gambling and doing tricks for people on the busy streets. His first Pokémon was obtained on his seventh birthday when he was out gambling for coin and found a stray Purrloin. He secretly kept it as his own in the orphanage.

At age ten he was adopted by two men in Castelia City named Bruno and Leslie Dusk. They both were frequent gamblers, drank achohol, and Leslie would sometimes smoke when his addiction kicked in. Other than their nasty habits, they were a great family and took even better care of Grimsley. Being adopted, his last name changed to Grimsley Dusk.

When he was thirteen, Leslie died due to Lung Cancer he didn't know he had. Five days later, Bruno was found dead with a gun in hand and a suicide note in an alleyway. This left the newfound teenager Grimsleh alone in the world and even more broken. That's when he met Burgh Arachnid.

Burgh Arachnid was an artist visiting from Nacrene City to paint the city's horizon. He met Grimsley and took him home with him and his parents, giving him a home for the rest of his life. Burgh had many friends and loved to be outside while Grimsley preferred to remain indoors and read a book. He was oblivious to most of Burgh's other friends unless they came Inside the house.  Even then he wouldn't brother to remember them. When the two boys were allowed at age fourteen, they went on a Pokémon journey together. Better late than never.

Burgh became the bug type gym leader of Castelia City at age fifteen, so Grimsley decided to leave his gym battle for last. Grimsley took a severe liking to dark type Pokémon similar to his partner Purrloin. By the time he made it to the Pokémon league he had a team of dark types unintentionally.

Champion Alder made Grimsley an Elite Four at age Sixteen after Grimsleh lost to him, taking the place of an old man who was the master of rock types. That has been his job ever since then. He loved his job and loved his Pokémon more than anything else in the world. That is, until about nine years later.

At one of the balls the Pokémon league throws annually he met a woman named (Your name) (last name' there. Burgh introduced her to him as they were best friends as children. Grimsley had no recollection of this but instead fell in love with her at first sight. They extended numbers.

A handful of years later they were married and another couple of years later they had a beautiful daughter named (daughter's name) Dusk. They happily were married for a long time until the incident.

Grimsley was raped and blackmailed by Karen Midnight in the famous Region-Wide Rale scandal. Grimsley was kicked out of his house, lost his job, and lost all of his friends during this time considering everyone was against him. Everyone beleived Karen when she said he asked her to have the affair, when in reality he was raped. Because of this, he became depressed and beleived the whole affair to be his fault.

Four years after the fact the truth was revealed by none other than Burgh Arachnid And Leonara Jones in their own private investigation. They caught Morty and Karen red handed and leaked the information as soon as they could to the press so that Grimsley and over fifty other men could have their names cleared. Some of these men include Sydney from the Hoenn elite four and Giovanni the former leader of Team Rocket.

Grimsley returned home with his wife and daughter, who now was the new champion of Unova, tonlive happily ever after. Unfortunately for Grimsley, his depression would never go away and he developed Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) and would constantly have fits of uncontrollable sobbing and apologizing.

Grimsley lived on to see his daughter happily married with triplet sons. Michael, Evan, and Nick. Grimsley died a decade and a half later due to illness. His daughter and grandchildren live on to this day.

And his wife? Well look who the author of this biography is by.

(Your name) Dusk

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