🌹Say No To This👠

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It was empty in the the house. It was just Grimsley and his own Pokémon. All of them were put so he could feel less lonely. His daughter and wife left for Alola For two months. He had no one to greet him every time he got home. No one to kiss goodnight or read personalized bedtime stories to. No one to kiss and hold all night. Grimsley was starting to crave your embrace. But he knew he simply cant leave. The Pokémon league needed him. 

That's when he heard a knock at the door. He told Scrsfty to go get it, knowing it can't be Burgh or You. Those were the only two people, well his daughter too, he wanted to see right now. He heard scrafty open the door. Grimsley didn't give a bother and just took a bite out of a sandwich he made himself.

"Hey little buddy. Where's Grimsley at?"

Grimsley knew that voice. It was a voice he dreaded hearing every time the elite four of all the region's met up. It was the Dark Type Elite four from Johto, Karen. Why was Karen here? He had no clue. He thought she was having an affair with Sydney while married to Morty. She was deceptive and a player. Grimsley hated even associating to her.

He heard the door close. Good. Scrafty knew better than to let her in. Or so he thought. Scrsfty walked around with Karen and pointed to him at the dining table eating a plain old sandwich. Grimsley internally groaned and put the Sorry Excuse for a meal down. Dusting off his causal white shirt to formally greet her. As much as he hated it.

"Karen, welcome. It may sound rude if me to ask but, why are you here?"

Karen rolled her eyes, sighing. She shifted her weight making her boobs bounce and hair fall over her shoulders. Grimsley knew this tactic well. She was trying to seduce him. Grimsley had a strong will and devotion for you. He promised not to chest then he will not cheat! He loves you! He has a daughter! He has to stay strong!

"Sydney broke it off and Morty's still a bit sour. Both of them aren't gentlemen. I came here hoping to find one. And you're the best gentleman here."

Karen noticed Grimsley's uneasiness. Word gets around quick. She knew his wife and daughter were gone. He had the house to himself. That was the perfect oppritunity to take advantage of. The truth was, she was a leech. She blackmailed people to giving them money so they could be rich. She just needed to lure Grimsley in....

"Sorry Karen, but this man is taken. I must ask you leave."

Karen forgot Grimsley was a hard man to fool. Maybe she doesn't need to fool him. She noticed how stiff he was. He was obviously wanting it. How long has his wife been gone? A week? That's pathetic for a man like him. But all men are needy. If Karen could just...

"What are you doing!?"

Grimsley turned his head and Karen was there  hugging him from behind. Her hands wrapped around his waist but trying to snake lower. Hitting below the belt was just plain dirty. If the Johto elite four knew a while was on their team they would kick her. But no one had proof. And grimsley wasn't willing to give Johto hat proof. Grimsley kicked her from behind, hitting her kneecap and causing her to fall.

"Get off of me!"

Grimsley snarled at her, turnin around. Scrafty And Krookidile were at his side. The rest of his Pokemon circled around Karen. She tried to crawl out but Grimsley's Team blocked her. Grimsley had anger residing in his eyes. He was about to order them to attack out of pure spite but Karen cried out:


Grimsley rose an eyebrow and crossed his arms impatiently. The Pokémon ere on standby, but were ready to attack with all they had any time. Karen started to cry. Yeah, Grimsley wasn't buying it. He knew an act from reality.

"I just... just once please. Grimsley I love you please! I know you need it... we both do... please just help me!"

 Grimsley faltered a little bit. What the actual hell was this!? What the hell was she talking about!? All of this was bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. While he was baffled Karen pounced getting ontop of him. 

Grimsley's Pokemon teied to fight back but Karen grabbed the poke balls and forced the man all to return. She then threw them all to the side while having Grimsley pinned down. Grimsley was genuinely scared. He was kicking and hollering to get Karen off of him, but it was no use.

"Don't worry Grim, I'll make sure to treat you better than that skank wife of yours~"

Grimsley can't say no. This was rape! This was rape! Grimsley looked over to see one of the olds nanny cams on the counter. It was turned on. Grimsley remembered he had that on for a good reason. Scratch thst it's was just because he missed his daughter. Maybe if he can catch he proof of rape, he can't have her jailed. 

He is so sorry. Very, very sorry.

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