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The wedding was in progress. A year after that ball you and Grimsley have been going out. Grimsley proposed and you said yes. You had just walked down the aisle and in the arms of Grimsley, much to Burgh's happiness and Dismay. But he was the Best Man, so he had to propose a toast for the bride and groom. His best friend and his crush.

"A toast to the groom."

Burgh smiled as he held out an extended glass at the reception. The room cheered and did the same, repeating the words he say. His eyes latch on to Grimsley's. He seemed extremely intrigued by what he says, and extremely invested. You were giddy, smiling wide with your eyes on him. He had to remember. Sisters before Misters. Always. 

"To the bride."

He turned completely to you. You mean the world to him, since he doesn't have any siblings or family anyways. When you came into his life you became his best friend, something only Pokemon were able to replace. Now it was your wedding day. He would make it his duty to make this the best reception ever.

"From your best friend who's always by your side."

It was silent. Nobody was playfully saying back st him wahtever he was saying. Everyone was listening to every heartfelt and heart wrenching word Burgh had to say. He took his cup back in, but then realized he had plenty more to say about this matter. He went for another toast, faking his smile. He was working hard not to make his voice crack.

"To your union, and to hope that you'll provide."

Burgh took his drink back in and took a sip. Several people all around took their own shot of whatever achohol or drink they had. After that Burgh looked into the empty cup for a second. That's what's he felt. Empty. But he kept his fake, flamboyant smile up for you. He looked up and flashed you his biggest grin he could muster.

"And May you always be satisfied."

Everyone cheered for Burgh, Grimsley, and You. You held onto his arm and gave him a peck on the cheek. Grimsley took your chin and turned it so he could reach your lips. Burgh saw this and excused himself from the reception. He walked into the corridor alone to the balcony.  Little did he know someone was following him.

Burgh grabbed a rose on the way out. A single red rose. He sniffed it like a lovesick wife waiting for her husband to come home from war. He leaned on the banister on The balcony, gazing out to the moon. He didn't know that Cilan was right behind him. Or did he?

"I was fine, with the women who would come into his life now and again."

Cilan flinched. He walked up to the bug type master of the reason. He leaned on the banister next to him. Burgh had a very sad smile over his lips. His eyes focused on the rose  clearly remembering  good times he had with Grimsley. They must be suffering from the same exact problem, huh? But Burgh had it worse.

"I was fine because I knew they didn't really matter... until you."

He frowned, taking the rose and putting it behind his ear. Burgh turned his neck to look at Cilan. Cilan was just watching him as if he was his role model. Woah, going crazy with the masculine pronouns there. Burgh sadly smiled at Cilan and gave him the anime girl head pat.

"Cilan, if you love someone and let them go does that truly mean you love them? Or does that mean your eyes a coward for not fighting back?"

Burgh faded Cilan, not even leaning on the banister. Cilan took Burgh's hand off his head. Everyone hears the phrase "if you love someone, let them go." But is it really true? Is it really the right thing? Burgh needed a second opinion, and Cilan was probably the only guy in Unova who could understand him right now. He needed his imput.

"Well, it depends. If you care about them and you see the, happy then it's worth it. But if you know you can make them happy then fight for it. It's dependant on the situation. I'm sorry Burgh."

That's all he needed to hear. Burgh smiled. You made Grinsley happier than he ever could. Besides, you were also happy. Your happiness meant more to him than his own. It's fine. Everything is fine. It's all fine and dandy. He can live on. He took Cilan into a hug unexpectedly, causing the green haired gym leader to blush mad.

"Thank you Cilan."

Cilan wasn't sure what to do, so he simply hugged the taller man back. Bug types and grass types weren't much different. Both weak to fire, both bright and green, and both could get through anything if they just try. Right now, Cilan needed to help Burgh get through this.

And he will. Oh he will.

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