❤️Take a Break❤️

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Your daughter has grown up, and so have your adopted brothers. Summer was coming soon and you were ecstatic. You made plans to go to Alola on vacation with your family. All you had to do was convince Grimsley to come with you for the short two months summer lasted. The Pokemon league surely had winter breaks, right?

Grimsley walked in the door. You and your daughter, who is now six years old, jumped off the couch and rushed to go greet Grimsley. He seemed very stressed, and so did Leipard. Then a wave of you, your daughter, and Houndoom ambushed them. Grimsley's scowl turned into a gentle smile in seeing his family.

"Hey Princess. Hello (your name)." 

Grimsley pressed a kiss to his daughter's head and a peck on your lips. You took Grimsley's hand and dragged him around to the couch. Your daughter jumped on him after he sat down. Yep, she definitely got her spunky attitude form you. But she also got her love of poker and her sneakiness from Grimsley. She was a perfect mix of you two!

"So we were thinking... what if we went to Alola! My brothers and Dad are going to be there! All we need is you! What do ya say?"

That was a lot of exposition in a small amount of text, Grimsley will need to recover from the shock of being so bluntly spoken to. Just kidding. Grimsley's smile fell. A Vacation? How long have you been planning this? He glanced over to his daughter, snuggling up against him. He could see it on her little face she was expecting a yes. But Grimsley just can't. Maybe if it was a week. Wait, maybe it was for a week.

"How long is it, Darling?"

That face. It was the aapologizing Grimsely face. The apologizing Grimsley face was never a good face for Grimsley to have. Why? Because he always apologizes and says "maybe next time" when you know next time it's going to be the same thing. Why can't he just get away from battling for a while and spend two months with you!


Grimsley winced. He was afraid you were going to say that. Caitlyn and Shauntal would kill hm if he left that long. He can't use his suave charm to play off two months. Even two weeks was pushing it with all the challengers coming recently! Everyone wanted a piece of him apparently. He arguably was the strongest elite four in Unova.

"Love, you know I can't leave that long."

Your daughter deflated. She sat up and looked Grimsley dead in the eye. She put on her very sad face. She was obviously very very disappointed. With her lip quivering and eyes watering like a water type using surf, she said with a very cracked voice:

"You can't?"

Aaaaaaaaaaand there goes his heart. It shattered, but he knew it had to be done. He couldn't dare look at his wife, so he instead looked to his wife. You were heartbroken. You deserve a break from that stupid Pokémon league! You deserved to spend time with your family! You deserve a vacation!

"Grim, you have to had a vacation in forever! I already bought your ticket! Don't make me take Burgh instead!"

Burgh. Right, your friend. Well, and his. He won't say he hasn't had gay dreams about him once or twice before he met you. Burgh was a great family friend. Your daughter even calls him her uncle. It won't be too farfetch'd to see you bring him in a family vacation. Grimsley hated to do this to his two favorite women, but he had to.

"Bring Burgh. Gym Leaders have backups. Elite Four don't. I'm sorry and I love you both very much."   

You sighed, standing up. Grimsley knew this would happen. Any time you got mad you would lock yourself in your shared bedroom and make him sleep on the couch. Grimsley sighed and watched you storme off down the hall. He looked to his daughter to maybe find a littleness bit of understanding.

"You know why Daddy has to Stay, don't you sweet girl?"

Your daughter looked up at him with sad eyes and nodded understandingly. She was a very smart six year old. She must get her wit from her chsrmingly handsome father along with her bright blue eyes. 

"Good. Now why don't we read your favorite story? The one about the Lonely Leipard?"

Your daughter started to smile, light of inspiration and joy filling her eyes again. Grimsley made up stories about each of his lovely dark types to make sure his daughter of all children doesn't fear them at all. Leipard And Houndoom came over and curled up next to the duo on the couch and Grimsley read to his daughter. 

There once was a Leipard who hated her type. Leipard is a dark type, and nothing more than that. No dual types to redeem her title. Just pure dark.

"A dark type!" Other Pokemon cried. "She must be evil!"

Leipard was hurt. Other Pokémon claiming her to be evil based on her type when they hardly know who she is herself! Leipard began hating herself for being something she simply can't change.

She tried learning other type moves, Shen tried hanging around other types of Pokémon, she tried acting different. She tried everything, but Leipard deep down knee She would always be a dark type.

Then she met another Pokémon named Mightyena. Mightyena belonged to a trainer from the Hoenn region. He was wandering around the route on his own when he heard Leipard besting herself uo about her type.

"I'm a dark type! Why was I born a dark type?!" Leipard sobbed to herself.

Mightyena approached Leipard from behind, nuzzling Into her neck. Leipard looked uo and saw the dark type behind her, smiling at her. She sniffed before he started to comfort her.

"Dark types aren't bad. We're misunderstood. Everyone judges us based on our type rather than our abilities. Dark types can be scary, sure. But that doesn't make us not awesome!"

Mightyena's trainer called out for him, so he had to go. But his words made a lasting impression on Leipard.

Why should Leipard be ashamed of who she is!? Yeah, she's a dark type. But thst doesn't make her any less of a great pokemon! Leipard learned to love herself, type and all. Soon, she made real friends and became real happy.

Accept yourself and happiness will come. That's a garuntee.

The end.

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