💄Say Yes to This👄

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Burgh has never been to Johto before, but there's always  first for everything. Maybe one day he will come back to paint Johto when he didn't have business on his mind. After following a lead in his own private investigation (with help from Leonara) led him to Morty, the ghost type gym leader of this region and his wife, who happened to be the woman who had the affair with Grinsley.

Something Grimsley said, no matter how much he despised him for even having sex with anyone else but you, tipped him off in all the wrong ways. Grimsley, despite being a gambler, was a very loyal man. He stuck to his word and hated lying. So whenever he wanted to hide the truth, he would keep it sealed. It was one of the things he loved about you.

So when he said that he was raped and roped into blackmail, he beleived it. He would never admit it, but this made him curious. Why would Grimsley hide such a thing if Into would prove his innocence and allow him to keep his family? So Burgh had to investigate. He entered the gym and saw that it wasn't ominous with very little lighting. Normally Burgh loves a good puzzle. But now he wasn't in the mood.

"Morty!? Come out now!"

Burgh snarled out, fists clenched. He had his pokeball ready with Leavanny, his partner. The lights came on and a very relaxed man with almost dropping eyes came out. He scoffed and looked Burgh up and down. Clearly he doesn't do his research about his wife's victims.

"Who are you and what do ya want?"

Brush took out the evidence he collected. A list of men that have all been said to be caught having an affair. Most of the time, the woman's name wasn't leaked. In fact, the name was never leaked until the most recent case. Grimsley. Burgh beleived he has a rapist, a catfish, and a blackmail mafia case on his hands. Clearly Officer Jennys worldwide have been slacking off.

"Read this list and tell me what all of them have in common."

Burgh shoved the list into his hands. A Gengar came behind Morty, glaring at Burgh. He could see the color draining from Morty's pale face. He looked back at Gengar and nodded. Gengar left. Burgh wouldn't let his smirk play at his lips. Why? He wasn't playing games.

That's when Morty disappeared back into his shadows. The dark filled the room. Burgh whipped around and met the sharp eyes of a woman. He knew the difference. She had large light lavender blue hair. She wore very revealing clothing. Burgh didn't look down. He didn't falter. He had a secret weapon against this whore. His sexuality.

"Oh no, you must be mad at little old me. Who are you here to avenge, huh? Looking at you I can tell you're hoity toity. Must be a Sinnoh or Unova boy."

She took Burgh into a headlock and pinned him against the wall. Burgh choked a little bit, but then recovered from the shock and rammed his elbow into her stomach. He slipped out of her grasp and struck her across the face once. He kneed her where babies are born and she skunoed to the ground. Burgh glared down at her. Then, she started laughing.

"You're here for vengeance, but how about I give you something better? An experience you won't ever forget, huh? Doesn't that sound nice? We can forget all of this ever happened and-"

Burgh kicked her, causing her to cough up blood. He could hear Morty rushing back to help his so called wife but Burgh called out Leavanny and Scolipede. There was no way he was getting by. 

"What i want is to drag you back to every region and wipe every man you raped's slate clean. Karen."

Karen looked up. With the glare she was getting from Burgh, she knew no it really was over. There goes her career and Morty's. There goes everything. She really did make a mistake messing with Grimsley.

Burgh finally found the truth.

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