07: Never Run Away From Your Home, Like Karen Did

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Friday, early morning, Lena's alarm starts ringing and wakes her up. She turns it off, stretching her entire body afterwards before standing up. She goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth, stopping midway on front of the vanity mirror. And it's not to see that the bruises on her face are completely gone, instead it's different. She steps closer to examine her clothes in the reflection.

  "What the hell?" Lena whispers, rising her hands to eye-level. There is dark brown dirt in her hands, similar to the one she had after digging Karen's grave. Oh, my god! Did she went back to the Hush Hush woods last night? She doesn't remember anything. Her memory is completely black from yesterday's events, nothing else.

  She quickly hops to the shower, throwing yet another pile of dirt-covered clothes in a white, trash bag. The emotions from the day after burying Karen burst back; fear, sadness, regret, and terror. Why can't she remember? Is there something wrong with her? It feels exactly like that Tuesday morning after burying the body.

  In the shower, with water covering her naked body, she kneels in the white, marble floor. Her hands cover her face to hide the view of the dirt coming off her. The only vision in her mind is a red-headed girl with a ripped cheek that reveals her molars.

  And she cries, drowning the need to scream in her chest so her parents won't hear her.

  "What have you done, Lena Howard?" she whispers repeatedly. "What have you done this time?"


At school, Edward follows Lena to her first period. He's wearing his usual, elegant tie and white, button-up shirt. He does not use the advantage of not having to wear uniform in high school. But even though he always brings similar clothes to school, she has to admit that he looks kind of good in them.

  "So I have an idea about what to wear to prom?" he says, his British accent clear.

  "Really?" Lena asks, not really caring enough as they near her classroom.

  "Yeah," he confirms, tightening his purple tie. "If only I would've asked you to prom like Andrew did with Tony. But, oh well."

  That grabs her attention when they stop on front of her Trigonometry class. "When did that happen?"

  Edward raises a perfect, defined eyebrow up. "Don't you remember? You basically took Tony to the middle of the baseball field."

  She did? Suddenly, another throb explodes in her head. The same pain as the last one she got before with Tony. She claps a hand over her forehead, squeezing her eyes shut until the pain is gone.

  "Lena? Are you alright?" Edward rests a hand on her shoulder, worried.

  Then she remembers! The crowd of students and teachers clapping in the bleachers as Tony and Andrew hug in the middle of the field. Lena can't help but grins at such flashback. But that memory doesn't answer the dirty hands and clothes from the early morning.


  Lena looks up at Edward, throwing her shiny, blond hair behind her. "Huh?"

  "I think you should go to the nurse," he admits. His grey eyes reveal confusion as he touches his ginger-red hair delicately to check if it's still in place.

  "I'm completely fine. It's just that I've been through a lot this passed days. That's it," Lena tries to explain, shrugging and forcing a smile at him.

  The truth is that she doesn't want to go to the doctor no matter what. What will happen if they discover that she's been forgetting passed events? Or if they manage to find out that she had to do something with getting rid of Karen? Either she will end in a mental hospital or in prison. And none of those options sound pleasing.

  The bell rings and Edward jogs away as Lena steps into her classroom. Everyone is already sitting in their respective seats, being unusually quiet.

  "You're late, Howard," Mrs. Charles calls her by her last name. "School is almost over, but that doesn't mean you can be coming in whenever you want to."

  Lena takes her seat next to Mia, barely listening to the teacher.

  "You're lucky that I won't make you get a tardy-slip because today we are discussing something important," he continues, making everyone face him.

  He finally claps his hands and stands up from his desk, walking to the board. "Class, today we are talking about an important student from this school. She's was a great and wise individual that never caused problems," he says. "Anyone knows who?"


  "Karen Flynn. She's missing and the school is obligating the teachers to discuss about why we should never run away from our homes." Mr. Charles stares outside the window, as if she might magically appear.

  Run away? Yeah, right! Lena's thoughts are.


A\N: If only the teachers would know that's she's actually dead. Kisses! 💋

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