Meet Their Perfect Lives . . .

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Lena Howard, the most beautiful girl in Katerina High, is what any girl wants to be. They crave her looks and money. After all, she can get whatever guy she likes without even trying. Her luscious honey-blond hair, clear skin with a natural blush and ocean blue eyes make her desirable to anyone.

  She's so perfect that her ex-boyfriend, Rowan Spence, treated her like a delicate rose. You thought! Actually, he would physically abuse her until she couldn't handle it anymore and decided to separate from him. But things didn't go so well in a simple Monday when Rowan got into her house and hurt her really bad.

  But that's not the worst, just ask Karen. Oh, wait! You can't...

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The student that every teacher deserves in their class: Michelle Perkins. She and her ex, Joseph Gilbert, are the most intelligent from their grade, and probably school. Who wouldn't be jealous of Michelle? She's beautiful and smart!

Things were going extremely well after Michelle had to break up with Joseph—maybe not so much for him. After the perfect student had a thing going on with her boyfriend's father, Karen popped into the picture with her messed-up eyeliner and discovered her most well-kept secret.

  And how did Michelle deal with Karen? Well, she's now dead. I hope that answers your question.

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The most well-known gay from the school, Tony Sinclair, doesn't own the "well-known" title anymore. His ex, Wyatt Carter, and his worst enemy, Cameron Willis, are starting a relationship. Also, his father left the house and his family because he didn't approve his older son's sexuality, causing his younger brother, Aaron, to not talk to him.

  The three gays from school; a cute couple and the single. Guess who is the single one? Luckily, closeted Andrew dares to make a move on Tony! His life is finally getting better. Wrong. He and his other friends, Lena and Michelle, have a dark secret. And that secret might include a dead body...

  I'll give you a hint: starts with a K and ends with —aren.

  These bitches broken hearts have perfect lives, am I right?

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