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The leaves that had been green all through summer, the leaves that had seen Yoongi and Catalina's love, that had seen Catalina's death, that had seen Yoongi's pain and mourning, those green leaves went away as fast as they had come in the spring. Suddenly they were yellow, orange, red, brown, and soon they had fallen to the ground, covering the fields and the forests of their golden aura.

Yoongi saw the splendid colors of the leaves shine through their death. Those leaves that had been blooming all spring, had been living all summer, had been cold all September, now they were dying. They died and fell to the ground, leaving behind them skeletons of trees that still stood but had no reason to, other than to wait for spring again.

They said the leaves would reappear in the spring, they said that life would come back and that the forest would be itself again, in a few months. But for now, Yoongi could only see the death that strewed the ground, and the upcoming winter that would perhaps last forever. 


The wind picked up. Suddenly the leaves that were scattered across the fields would be blown away by cold breezes sweeping through them, showing no sign of warming up or calming down. The leaves that would stay on the ground would slowly rot, leaving in their wake nothing but decay. 

Yoongi would spend his days buried in warm blankets, looking out the window at the grey skies and the wind that brought the winter along. He could feel the cold down to his bones, a cold that kept him frozen and unmoving, a cold that made him wish he could close his eyes and fall asleep, only to wake up when the warmth would return. But deep down, he feared it never would.  


The first snow appeared in December. It was icy, white and sudden, and it all melted as soon as it would touch the ground. Kids would wear their snowsuits, take out their sledges, built snowmen that would be gone by the next day. 

Christmas came and went, allowing joyful carols, delicious desserts, bright lights and endless visitors to take over the gloom that had settled upon the blue house. Guests would bring along gifts wrapped in elaborate designs, anecdotes from the past year, and radiant smiles that turned to compassionate ones when they would see Yoongi. They tiptoed around him as they celebrated the happiest moment of the year. And no matter how many people were in the house, all Yoongi could see was the empty place by his side that reminded him of Catalina's absence. 

Soon enough Christmas ended, and the guests and their cheerfulness were gone again. The merry bubble they had brought along disappeared, allowing the blue house to fall back into its sorrow, and allowing Yoongi to drown himself in grief again. 


Not long after Christmas came the new year. A year that, for Yoongi, showed no hope of happiness, no hope of peaceful days, and no hope of ever being okay again. It was a cold beginning to the year, freezing and slippery, and each day felt like a whirlwind that would stay in its spot, unmoving. 

Yoongi didn't wish anything for the new year. There was only one thing he truly wanted, one thing that would made him feel happy again: to have Catalina back. But he knew that wouldn't happen, and so he wished for nothing. He just hoped that someday, within the next year, he'd wish for something again, and he'd feel something other than numbness and grief. But for now, he was frozen like the fields outside, and so January went as it had come: in sorrow.


The winter had taken over everything, and showed no sign of ever disappearing. Snow kept pilling up outside, burying everything and turning the fields into icy abysses. The days were cold and grey, the nights were frigid and dark. It felt suffocating and empty, like a storm taking over a void that had been rainy all along.

Yoongi spent the month alone in the blue house, barely noticing the days and the nights, barely opening his eyes to witness the darkness that had settled upon his world. And when he opened them, it wouldn't be long until he would close them again, unable to bear the sight of his own pain spread out over his soul for the world to see. 

It was a month of cold, unforgiving weather. A month of destructing snowstorms and thoughts, a month that went painfully slow and achingly fast. A month that brought along raw tears and endless struggles. A month that was so dark and icy, Yoongi couldn't help but think that the upcoming spring people talked about was a lie. Because he couldn't remember what sunny days had been like, and he couldn't see them coming back, ever. 

Yet there was nothing he wanted more. 


A\N - Remember when I used to update every 1-2 days? Yeah, me neither. That's summer for you. Anyway, I'm going on vacations for a while so updates might take longer. But this story will definitely end in August. Is August the end date or a spoiler? Stay tuned to find out. 

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