e p i l o g u e

474 43 50

I think about it all the time

The lights went out, you were fine

You kinda struggle not to shine

I still love you though

I still love you though

I still love you always

Dermot Kennedy - An evening I will not forget





Hello lovelies!

This is the end of the story. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I liked writing it! A few points and questions for you: 

Thoughts. Please share them. What was your favorite part? Your least favorite? Things I should fix in editing?

Interlude. Should I move the interlude with Catalina at the end of the story, or leave it where it is? I'm TORN. D:

Yoongi's dad. Not sure if you noticed, but he exists in the story and yet he's not there. Any theories on what's going on with him? 

Editing. My next project will probably be to edit Bleed Me, and August Rain after that. I'm looking for help, so let me know if you're interested. Otherwise, if you noticed plot holes or mistakes, please tell me & I'll fix it!

What's next. I don't know. I want to edit both my stories, and I am thinking of writing a longer, non-AU fanfic starring Yoongi. Or a Hobi AU. Or something Yoonmin. I'm still not sure, I'm changing my mind everyday about it. I have this great idea for a Yoongi non-AU, but it's an elaborate story that would need lots and lots of time that I'm not sure I have. I don't want to start something I won't be able to finish, so we'll see.

Thank you. For sticking with this story, and for all the votes and amazing comments. All of them put a smile on my face and helped me writing. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3

bangtancha <3

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