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W R I T T E N : J U L Y 9 T H , 2 0 1 8P U B L I S H E D : J U L Y 1 8 T H , 2 0 1 8RE-WRITTEN: SEPTEMBER 19TH, 2018

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W R I T T E N : J U L Y 9 T H , 2 0 1 8
P U B L I S H E D : J U L Y 1 8 T H , 2 0 1 8

W A R N I N G S: N O N E



Tazanna stepped out of bed in morning happy. Until she rembered this is the day that she had to go back to school. All she wanted was for the kids not to bully her again. She wouldn't care of they gave her nasty looks or talked about her under the table. She didn't care. She Just didn't want to be hurt again. Tazanna set down her stuffed bear on the newly made bed and sighed.

"Do I really have to go back?" Tazanna looked through her drawers and found a nice outfit. It was just a plain, white top with burgundy overall type plants that widened at the leg with black ankle heels.

Tazanna put on the outfit and did her hair. She just threw it in a bun and had two thick strains of hair on the sides of her face. Tazanna sighed as she looked it her ring and necklace collection. She grabbed a couple rings and slipped them on her fingers. Then she grabbed her locket and place that around her neck. It had a family picture of newt, herself and thomas. Tazanna smiled but that smile quickly left her face as she realized that this wasn't a dream. She need to go to school for a whole month. She rolled her eyes and tazanna closed the locket and straightened herself up.

3 weeks, 3 whole weeks. This was going to be a long couple weeks. Which was going to be hard.

Tazanna strolled downstairs and was greeted by silence. Her family wasn't usually up this early so she didn't really expect them to be up. Tazanna was shocked when she entered the kitchen to see her father,with two plates of breakfast infront of him.

"Morning love." Tazanna gave her father a half grin before sitting across from her father. "Morning love." Newt had a warm smile on his face. "Today's you first day." Newt reached from beside him and grabbed a couple books. "I had these pick up for you." Tazanna frown as she looked over the couple books. It was things she had already known. Some things about history. A poem book. A different romance book she had already read before and a slate that came with some chalk.

"I got you something though." Newt stood up and pick up a box on the other side of the room as tazanna began eating her pancakes. Newt places the box infornt of her with a grin. "I had it made while we were in england." Tazanna stood up and opened the book. She gasped as she looked at the handmade bag. It was leather, black with a latch to open and close said bag. Tazannas grin widen as she hugged here father. "thank you father."

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