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W R I T T E N : J U L Y  1 4  T H, 2 0 1 8P U B L I S H E D : AUGUST 24TH, 2018

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W R I T T E N : J U L Y 1 4 T H, 2 0 1 8
P U B L I S H E D : AUGUST 24TH, 2018

W A R N I N G S : N O N E



HAYDEN sat down next to ruby, since the incident between diana, anne and herself, her dad didnt care that she got drunk because they drank together all the time back in England and now. Hayden listened to ruby as she droned on and on about how her life would be of she was dating Gilbert. Hayden didn't tell anybody about her and Gilbert's relationship. As ruby talked Hayden could feel her getting angrier so she started playing with the necklace Gilbert gave her a night or two ago. It was near the end of the day and Hayden just wanted to leave school so she could go home. Ruby noticed Hayden necklace. "You have a pretty necklace." Hayden looked up at ruby and smiled. "Thank you." "Where did you get it?" Hayden froze. Not knowing what to say. "Hayden?" Hayden shook her head, "it belonged to my grandmother before she died." Ruby nodded, believing her lie which caused Hayden to sigh with relief.


"Hayden, Would you come here please?" Hayden stopped and rolled her eyes before turning around to face Mr.Phillips.
"Yes?" He motioned for her to come towards him which she hesitated to do. She walked toward Mr.Phillips with a blank look. "Yes?" Mr.Phillips handed her two books. "I need you to bring these to Gilbert bythes house. He'll be missing school for some time and I don't want him to fall behind." Hayden nodded as she turned to walked out the school, knowing why Gilbert was going to be gone for some time.


Hayden made her way towards Gilbert's house, which she had never been to before but had found her way, and knocked on the door. It took about five minutes until someone came to the door, a man who Hayden presumed to be Gilbert's father. "Hello, I'm here for Gilbert." "You're Hayden, right?" Hayden nodded. "Your Gilbert's father, right? Shouldn't you be laying down?" It's alright." "Let me help you." John helped direct Hayden to his bed and she helped him lay down.

"Dad why's the door ope-" Gilbert stopped as he saw Hayden standing next to his lying down father. "Dad did you get up-" "she's just as pretty as you talk about son." Hayden smirks at Gilbert as he blushes. "So you talk about me." "I-" "he talks about you all the time, can't get him to shut up sometimes."

Hayden smiled at Gilbert as his blush grows. "Wow Gilbert, I didn't know you ramble about me." Gilbert is speechless as he tries to find his words. Hayden smiled at Gilbert as he ran his hand through is hair. "I'll go make us some tea." "I'll come with you." Hayden follows Gilbert to the kitchen. As he starts to begin making the tea he starts talking to her. "Not that I'm upset about it, but why'd you come?" Hayden looked through her bag and pulled out the two books mr.phillps had given her. "Mr.Phillips didn't want you to fall behind." She places the two books on the table and Gilbert smiled at her. "That's good, If your gonna beat me in class, I want you to do it fair and square." Hayden laughs and pecks his cheek. "Im gonna beat you." Gilbert turns to her, "sure you are."

Gilbert noticed she was wearing his gifts. "So you like them?" Hayden grabbed the necklace and nodded with a grin. "I love them." Gilbert pouted, "more than me." Hayden kissed his pouted lip, "never." Gilbert finished making the tea and walked back towards his father's bed and gave out the tea. Hayden sat down on one of the chairs in the room with Gilbert next to her.
"How are you Mr.Blythe?" Before he answered her question he said, "first, call me John dear." He said with a slight cough, "and I've been better." Hayden nodded and looked at Gilbert.

"Could I talk to the girl alone son?" Gilbert nodded as he stood up. "Of course." He walked out the room, not before giving Hayden a grin. Gilbert closed the door after him and John turned his attention towards hayden, "what's your dream in life Hayden?" Hayden smiled at him, "I want to explore the world." John nodded at her. "I hav-had that dream, so I explored, then I became sick. It's good to know at a young age what you want to do and what you want to see." Hayden nodded at him. "That's what my father always has told me." "If you want to see the world, go see the world."

Hayden nodded at him, "Thank you john." John smiled at her before coughing, "take care of my son Hayden. Make sure he's happy." "I-" "Don't say that I shouldn't be saying theses things, there's not much hope for me, I plan to spent the time I have with my son." Hayden sighed, there was no point in arguing with him.

Hayden nodded at john, playing with the ring on her finger, "I promise with every fiber of my being to make sure he's happy, even if it leads to my own misery"


Hayden was walking home after spending Time with Gilbert and his father, John was a kind man, he doesn't deserve the pain he was suffering through. At least the pain would go away one day and it would lead to peace. Hayden sat leaning against the windown, staring as snow fell down, Hayden stired the glass of wine in her hand and watched as the snow fell. She sat on the floor, painting a picture she had drawn of Gilbert. All the dogs layed around the room as she drew.

Hayden smiled to herself as she drew him, looking into his drawn eyes with a sigh.

"I will make myself suffer if it means making you happy Gilbert Blythe, because I love you."

Y E A R N I N G  --》 GILBERT BLYTHE [1] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now