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W R I T T E N : J U L Y  1 3  T H, 2 0 1 8P U B L I S H E D: A U G U S T  1 2 T H 2 0 1 8

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W R I T T E N : J U L Y  1 3  T H, 2 0 1 8
P U B L I S H E D: A U G U S T  1 2 T H
2 0 1 8

W A R N I N G S : P E R I O D  T A L K



HAYDEN had gotten her period in the middle of the night and she was angry, she had started a day earlier than her normal schedule and she was angry. She stormed down the stairs and dropped down next to Thomas angrily while he was eating his breakfast. "You alright sis?" Micheal gave Hayden a knowing look and placed her plate in front of her. "Morning sweetie." "Morning dad." She wasn't angry because she didn't really get emotional during her period, she was just pissed that her cycle came early.

"So, how was your date?" Michel asked while washing dishes. "Hayden had her first kiss last night." Michael dropped the plate in the sink while Hayden hit Thomas on the shoulder. "Thomas!" "What now?" Haydens breath caught in her throat as he turned around. Hayden stuffed the food in her mouth and stood up and went towards the door. "I gotta go." The two men could barely understand her as she walked outside. Hayden marched along the path when she heard footsteps behind her.

"Hayden!" The familiar voice called out to her, she turned around to see anne. "Hey anne." Hayden noticed her angry expression. "What's wrong anne?" Anne huffed. "I started my cycle last night." Hayden looked at anne surprised, "so did I." Anne gave Hayden a slightly happy look,
"You did? Is it your first?" Hayden shook her head. "No love, I've had it for at least two years now." Anne huffed, "this is so inconvenient." Hayden laughed, "it is, I remember people telling me it was a good thing, that you can make a baby, that your boobs grow. I think it's horrible." Anne looked down. At her own chest with a sigh. "This day just keeps on getting worse."


Today, Hayden was invited to hang out with ruby and her friends, Hayden was forced to agree since she wanted to talk with anne and Diana today. She sat next to anne as they talked about their cycles. Hayden didn't say anything. Until they started talking to her. "And my bosoms are growing." Hayden rolled her eyes at josies statement. Ruby looked up at Haydens chest and looked back up at Haydens face. "How is it like to have big bosoms hayden?" Hayden laughed at rubys statement. "I don't think that I have-" "oh, stop being so humble Hayden." Hayden scoffed and rolled her eyes at josie. "What? Are you jealous?" Her statement causes anne and Diana to stiff a laugh. Josie scoffed and changed the conversation back to the cycle. Ruby started to grow more and more upset as they talked. "Im a woman, why don't I have it?" Ruby almost started crying. "If I could give you mine I would, this is such an inconvenience." Anne said loudly which caused the other girls to try and quiet her.

Hayden walked out as they started arguing, not wanting to be part of the conversation anymore. She pulled out one of her books and started reading.


"Which districts comprise the prairies? Gilbert?" Hayden looked over at Gilbert as he stood. "The districts of athabasca, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and assiniboia."
"Now that is a clever student." Gilbert sat down and mr.phillips turned to hayden,

Hayden guessed anne was nervous or scared because she didn't answer mr.phillps when he asked her a question.
"What about you, hayden?  Do you know it? Or did you not hear me either?" Hayden scoffed before standing and glaring at Mr.Phillips. "the Maritimes: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia." Mr.phillips looked her suprised. "Correct." Hayden nodded at mr.phillps with a smart look before sitting down again. "Thanks hayden." Anne whispers to her. Hayden nodded at her. "You're welcome."


Hayden was walking her way home with Gilbert next to her. "So, what are we gilbert?" Gilbert stopped which caused Hayden to stop. "What?" Hayden looked down and played with her fingers. "I just wanna know what we are, are we like dating or are we just friends-" Gilbert pulled Hayden towards him and kissed her. Hayden kissed back and grabbed the back of his neck. She played with the little hairs on the back of his neck as they kissed.

They pulled apart, "would you, Hayden Bolton, like to be my girlfriend?" Gilbert asked Hayden with a smile. "No." Gilbert's face dropped, "wha-" "I, Hayden bolton,  would love to be your girlfriend, Gilbert blythe." They kissed again and Gilbert pulled her closer.

They pull apart again and Hayden plays with his hair, "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" Gilbert smiled. "Of course."

Hayden and Gilbert walked towards Haydens house and Gilbert dropped her off, telling her that he needed to inform his dad that he was having dinner with Hayden and her family. Hayden walked into her home and was almost knocked over by her dogs. Red sat on the couch watching the dogs run up to her. "Dad." Hayden calls four to her as she sat, petting her dogs. Her father walked into the living room, "Yes honey?" "Can Gilbert have dinner with us tonight?" Her father smiled at her. "Yes, but you need to cook it." Hayden rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Do I need to go out and buy some more ingredients?" Her father nodded at her and went to grab her some money. He handed it to her, "go." He gave her a push which caused Hayden to laugh. "Alright, I'll leave." Hayden stormed out jokingly and her father yelled after her. "Love you." "Love you too."

Hayden went out to by some stuff and she bought everything that she needed.

Y E A R N I N G  --》 GILBERT BLYTHE [1] [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now